Hi Craig Weinberg 

You are right in a sense.  Weather prediction is a form of "fortune-telling".

But the reason traditional fortune-telling is frowned on by the Bible is that 
it invokes powers outside of God or over God (Thou shalt have no other
God before me). 

I don't consider weather prediction as a replacement for God, so no problem.

A more common false God however is your career, and we're all guilty of that.  

Roger , rclo...@verizon.net
Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him so everything 
could function."
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Craig Weinberg 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-08-17, 12:35:03
Subject: Re: The I Ching, a cominatorically complete hyperlinked semantic 

Thanks Roger,

Your work on this looks very interesting. I think I get the gist of it but I 
will have to take a closer look. 

I wonder how would fortune telling not include weather reports, actuarial 
tables, financial forecasts, etc? Historically there doesn't seem to be any 
meaningful correlation between fortune telling and any particular danger to 
people as a whole. Certainly no more danger than drinking wine or eating ice 


On Friday, August 17, 2012 9:49:24 AM UTC-4, rclough wrote:
Hi Craig Weinberg 

I was into the esoteric a decade ago, including the Tarot, and especially the 
Yi Ching. 
whose ability to transform and embed and interlink metaphors is very powerful.  
Being combinatorically
constructed, it is a complete, homogeneous and interlinked (hyperlinked) 
semantic field (to a certain
resolution).  You can do things with it not even dreamed of in western 
semantics and language processing.  
Leibniz almost discovered these properties. I developed a theory of story 
ujsing it (in the form of the Feng Shui).


Similarly I studied the time based version of the Yi Jing called the Tai Xuan 
Jing (T'ai Hsuan Ching) 
which is ternary in form and especially mysterious and beautiful.

Then I went back tio the Lutheran Church and being conservative, and being 
advised and believing that such esoteric topics
(unfortunately used in fortune telling, forbidden by the Bible) are not a 
healthy pursuit, I gave up all of that stuff.

Roger , rclo...@verizon.net
Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him so everything 
could function."
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Craig Weinberg 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-08-15, 05:05:44
Subject: Reconciling Bruno's Primitives with Multisense

Hi Bruno,

I was thinking about your primitive of arithmetic truth (numbers, 0, +, and *, 
right?) and then your concept of 'the dreams of numbers', interviewing Lobian 
Machines, etc and came up with this.

One single irreducible digit which represents a self-dividing continuum of 
infinite perpendicular dialectics between eidetic dream states (in which 
dream~numbers escape their numerical identities as immersive qualitative 
experiences) and entopic non-dream states (in which number~dreams escape their 
dream nature as literal algebra-geometries).

This continuum f( ), runs from infinitely solipsistic/private first person 
subjectivity (calling that Aleph ) to infinitely discrete/public third person 
mechanism (calling that Omega ), so that at ,any given dream is experienced as 
99.99...9% dream and 0.00...1% number and at , any given machine or number is 
presented as 99.99...9% number and 0.00...1% dream.

The halfway point between the and axis is the perpendicular axis f(- ) which is 
the high and low correspondence between the literal dream and figurative number 
(or figurative dream and literal number depending on whether you are using the 
dream-facing epistemology or the number-facing epistemology). This axis runs 
from tight equivalence ("=") to broadly elliptical potential set membership 

So it looks something like this:

f( ) { "..." "=" }

To go further, it could be said that at (Omega), (Om) expresses as 10|O (one, 
zero, line segment, circle referring to the quantitative algebraic and 
geometric perpendicular primitives) while at (Aleph), (Om) expresses as
(tetragrammaton or yod, hay, vov, hay, or in perhaps more familiar metaphor, 
(clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds)

clubs (wands) =Fire, spiritual, tactile
spades (swords) = Air, mental, auditory
hearts (cups) =Water, emotional, visual
diamonds (pentacles/coins) = Earth, physical, olfactory-gustatory
Note that tactile and auditory modalities tune us into ourselves and each 
others sensemaking (selves and minds), while the visual and olfactory/gustatory 
sense modalities are about objectifying realism of the world (egos or 
objectified selves/self-images and bodies). It should be obvious that clubs 
(wands) and spades (swords) are stereotypically masculine and abstracting 
forces, while hearts (cups) and diamonds (pentacles/coins) are stereotypically 
feminine objectified fields.
Sorry for the mumbo jumbo, but it is the only way to be non-reductive when 
approaching the qualitative side. We can't pretend to talk about the eidetic, 
dream like perpendicular of number logic while using the purely empirical terms 
of arithmetic reduction. We need symbols that can only refer to named qualities 
rather than enumerated quantities.
Let the ignoring and insulting begin!

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