On 11 Sep 2012, at 15:29, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 10:40 PM, Roger Clough <rclo...@verizon.net> wrote:

Intelligence is by (my) definition an autonomous function,
so over-layers are not only forbidden, they are not needed.

But God does have to follow laws he already created.
If you jump off of a building you will fall to your death.

I'm missing a possible problem there.

You say that order in the universe is evidence of an intelligent
designer but you don't say that order in the intelligent designer is
evidence of a super-intelligent designer who designed him. If you say
the designer was not himself designed then why not also say the
universe was not itself designed?

It is a good point. Craig made a similar one. You need God being conceptually simpler than its creation, to get something looking like an explanation.

I think this is what has motivated Plotinus to put the ONE (described mainly as the SIMPLE by Plotinus) above the NOUS, which is already the MANY, very rich intelligible worlds of the ideas.

With comp this is captured by the difference between the factual simple truth, like Ex( s(0)+x = s(s(s(0))) ), and the intelligible truth, which in arithmetic will concerned provability predicate by machine, using Gödel's arithmetical predicate beweisbar(x). The simple "cause" is the number together with their additive and multiplicative laws, the many is the complex digital machine appearing from those laws, and their possible histories and coupling with other universal machines.


Stathis Papaioannou

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