On Thursday, September 27, 2012 12:32:38 AM UTC-4, Brent wrote:
>  On 9/26/2012 9:27 PM, Stephen P. King wrote: 
> On 9/27/2012 12:19 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote: 
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> <whats...@gmail.com><javascript:>wrote: 
> The problem is the assumption that they can only be one thing if they 
> aren't 
> the other. This kind of dualism is a prejudice of a particular phase of 
> scientific development that is overdue for reconciliation. By framing it 
> as 
> 'understandable vs mysterious' instead of public-spatial vs 
> private-temporal, we close off all possibility for progress. Do you think 
> that I don't know how effective the reductionist approach has been for 
> Western Civilization? The Catholic Church was deemed equally effective 
> during Galileo's time. You misunderstand my perspective and assume that I 
> am 
> talking about some new force outside of physics when what I am doing is 
> showing a way of integrating the obvious conditions of our experience with 
> physics. 
>   I think that realizing that cells are also our sub-personal experiences 
> will be the next two centuries of biological science. 
> But where do you get the idea that replacing a part of a cell with an 
> equivalent part will make a difference to the cell? You're speculating 
> that there is some special thing going on in cells that only you know 
> about and that has never been observed in centuries of laboratory 
> research. Isn't that a little bit arrogant? 
>  No, Stathis, 
>     Craig is pointing out that functions are not separable in the real 
> world. Nature does not build things in a gears and spring method, every 
> part of a cell is an integral part of a whole. If we are to replicate the 
> function of a cell exactly we must literally replicate all aspects of a 
> cell, or else we are making something completely different. 
> And you know this...how?
> Brent

Because of mortality and morbidity. Cells die. Bodies die. They cannot be 
revived, even with formaldehyde and electricity. If you cut a rat in half 
and then meticulously sew it back together, you still have two parts of a 
dead rat. We know from our own experience as well - we can't replace our 
youth with an equivalent part. Quantum wave functions may not seem to care 
whether time runs forward or backward, but experience does. We can't take 
out a part of a story and expect it to make sense in the same way, just as 
we can't replace words in a sentence and have it make sense in the exact 
same way. Interchangeability is not a given.



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