On Tuesday, October 9, 2012 10:17:41 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Consciousness is when you bet in your consistency, or in a reality, to 
> help yourself. 
> Consciousness precedes language, but follows perception and sensation. 

Nice. It can be tricky because perception and sensation can both be seen as 
kinds of awareness and some people use the term consciousness as a synonym 
for awareness. This is not entirely incorrect. It's like saying that cash 
and credit cards are both kind of money and that economics is a synonym for 
money. It can be if you want it to be, it's just a word that we define by 
consensus usage, but if we want to get precise, then I try to have a vague 
taxonomy of sensation > perception > feeling > awareness > consciousness so 
that consciousness is an awareness of awareness. The continuum is 
logarithmic, but not discretely so because of the nature of subjectivity 
ins not discrete but runs the full spectrum from discrete to nebulous.

> It unifies the interpretation of the senses, making the illusion possible.

Here it is, Bruno. This is where I can see you saying exactly what I used 
to believe was true, but now I understand it 180 degrees away from the 
*whole* truth.

All that you have to do is drop the assumption that each sense is a 
separate discrete process built up from nothing and see it as a sieve, 
filtering out or receiving particular ranges of non-illusory experience. 
The filtered sensation do not need to be conditioned mechanically or 
mechanically, they aren't objects which need to be assembled. The 
unification of the senses is like the nuclear force - unity is the a priori 
default, it is only the processes of the brain which modulate the 
obstruction of that unity. Sanity does not need to be propped up and 
scripted like a program, it is a familiar attractor (as opposed to strange 
attractor) of any given inertial frame.

The only illusion we have is when our non-illusory capacity to tell the 
difference between conflicting inertial frames of perception, cognition, 
sensation, etc recovers that difference and identifies with one sense frame 
over another, because of a perception of greater sense or significance. 
It's not subject to emulation. It actually has to make more sense to the 
person. The content doesn't matter. You can have a dream that makes no 
cognitive sense at all but without your waking life to compare it to, you 
have no problem accepting that there is a donkey driving you to work. 
Realism is not emergent functionally or assembled digitally from the bottom 
up, it is recovered apocatastatically from the top down.


> Bruno
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/

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