The Newtonian world cannot exist without Quantum world
and vice versa.
We cannot separate the Quantum theory from Classical theory,
the  Quantum world from  Newtonian  material world.
The quantum world as real as the physical matter world and
we need understand and celebrate their unity.
Where is problem ?
The problem is, that we don’t  know how to unite them together.
Why ?
Because we don’t know what Quantum world is and it is almost
impossible for us to believe that It can be Aristotle’s  metaphysical
Where is the key to solving this problem ?
The key has name. Its name is ‘ Quantum of Light’.
 ‘ All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me
 no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?'
Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it,
 but he is mistaken. ‘
     / Einstein /

On Jan 16, 11:01 am, "Roger Clough"<> wrote:
> Hi
> You want to know why nobody understands QM ?
> Because QM is nonphysical, but is treated as being physical.
> This might be called the curse of materialism.
> [Roger Clough], []
> 1/16/2013
> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen
> ----- Receiving the following content -----
> From:
> Receiver: Everything List
> Time: 2013-01-15, 11:20:20
> Subject: Re: Science is a religion by itself.
> Physics and Metaphysics.
> John Polkinghorne and his book ? Quantum 
> theory?.
> === .
> John Polkinghorne took epigraph for his book ? Quantum theory?
> the Feynman? thought : ? I think I can safely say that
> nobody understands quantum mechanics. ?
> Why?Because, he wrote:
> ? ,we do not understand the theory as fully as we should.
> We shall see in what follows that important interpretative
> issues remain unresolved. They will demand for their
> eventual settlement not only physical insight but also
> metaphysical decision ?.
> / preface/
> ? Serious interpretative problems remain unresolved,
> and these are the subject of continuing dispute?
> / page 40/
> ? If the study of quantum physics teaches one anything,
> it is that the world is full of surprises?
> / page 87 /
> ? Metaphysical criteria that the scientific community take
> very seriously in assessing the weight to put on a theory
> include: . . . .?
> / page 88 /
> ?uantum theory is certainly strange and surprising, . . .?
> / page92 /
> ? Wave / particle duality is a highly surprising and
> instructive phenomenon, . .?
> / page 92 /
> ==.
> In my opinion John Polkinghorne was right writing
> what to understand and to solve the problems of the Universe:
> ? They will demand for their eventual settlement not only
> physical insight but also metaphysical decision ?.
> / preface /
> And, maybe, Aristotle was right separating the world and knowledge
> on two parts: Physics and Metaphysics.
> === .Somebody wrote:
> The science will purify the religion of the ?ross?.
> I agree.
> ===========.
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik Socratus.
> ===.
> --
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