On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com>wrote:

> Nature/Science have no magical powers to verify if experiments were
> performed correctly.

Like anything else they are not perfect and are subject to error from time
to time, but I can't think of any other human institution that has a better
track record, their judgement has stood the test of time remarkably well.

> A lot of good research does not get published there because it's in a
> very specific niche.

To me "Very specific niche" sounds a lot like "not very important". Could
the editors make a mistake about what is important and what is not? Sure.
Looking back with the perspective that time gives you have the editors made
a lot of mistakes about what is important and what is not? No.

>Most of the articles I read are not from Science or Nature, because they
> do not cater sufficiently (by any stretch of the imagination) to my niches.

So is your niche interest like after death or flying saucers or ESP or cold
fusion or perpetual motion or Atlantis?

> > It's also very nasty towards a lot of people that worked hard on honest
> research. It took them years of their lives to produce that research.

I don't care how hard they worked on it I only care if it's right. Blondlot
worked  hard on "N rays" and Pons and Fleishman worked hard on "cold
fusion" but that didn't prevent their work being crap. And none of their
crap was published in Nature or Science by the way.

> > You didn't even read the article.

True and I have no intention of doing so. Many thousands of scientific
articles are published every month and I have time to read only a very few
of them and I don't see why one of them should be from PLoS when there are
thousands of articles in hundreds of journals that are almost certainly of
higher quality.

> People that follow the science of religion instead of being actually
> scientific

 Wow, calling a guy known for not liking religion religious! Never heard
that one before, at least not before the sixth grade.

> > like to ignore these things, including their own consciousness

I wouldn't know how to ignore my consciousness even if I wanted to, however
it is true that I don't like to talk about consciousness a lot because I
have much much more wisdom on this subject than most on this list; I know
that I have nothing new or interesting to say about consciousness but most
people around here mistakenly believe that they do.

  John K Clark

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