On 09 May 2013, at 17:46, John Clark wrote:

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 4:54 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> Well, a pseudo-religion is certainly superior to a full fledged religion,

 > ?

Which word didn't you understand?

>> but a religion that is not illogical is not a religion,

>  ?

Which word didn't you understand?

I think I understood all words. It is the sentence or proposition which makes no sense. How could a pseudo-religion, fake by definition, be superior to anything? And why should a religion be illogical? This is just by of the Aristotelian dogma, or the need in blind faith, which is the opposite of the mystical and rational approach.

>> please explain to me exactly why a event without a cause is illogical. What law of logic does it violate?

> I think that you confuse false and inconsistent.

I believe I understand the distinction rather well, in one a proposition comes into conflict with reality and in the other it just comes into conflict with the logical system you've come up with and so its conceivable that the problem could be with the logical system and not with the proposition; although this is unlikely if you trust the system.

> An event without cause, assuming "cause" means something, might not be a problem for logic,

There is no "might" about it.

> but it is a problem for physics.

What problem is that? I don't understand why randomness is a bigger physical problem than determinism, both cuckoo clocks and roulette wheels coexist peacefully in our world.

Roulette wheel does not ask for any event without a cause.

> it is poor explanation, if explanation at all.

It is a pure act of faith to assume that everything has a explanation,

That is the act of faith of the rationalist, indeed.

I admit that is the correct default position to take whenever a scientist encounters a new phenomenon because if you don't even look for something you will never find it,

Very good.

but some things might have no explanation.

Why? And why bet on that?

Perhaps we should count ourselves lucky that anything has a explanation.

Or perhaps there is an explanation for that.

And before anybody tries for the 9999'th time to freak me out by calling me religious let me remind you that "God did it" is a explanation,

It is a fact, with the large definition of God I gave. As an explanation it is as absurd to explain the existence of the moon by the fact that we see the moon.

a very bad and stupid explanation but a explanation nevertheless.

Not at all. For the rational theologian, it is a mysterious fact in need of an explanation. Again, you limit theology to what some contingent politics have restricted by use of violence.

No explanation is vastly superior to a idiotic explanation.

Absolutely, but so let us not even mention the crackpot in the field, and let us concentrate on the genuine problem. In this case, beyond the mystery of our understanding of the natural numbers---which we can "meta-explain" in mathematical logic + the meta- assumption that we are locally consistent machines---there are no evidence that some events lack of explanation, so let us not bet on genuine randomness in nature prematurely.


 John K Clark

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