
"I gave a non-circular explication of that "... based on faith in some
supernatural revelation.""

Right, that is not circular. Are you OK with infinite regress based

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 8:40 PM, meekerdb <> wrote:

>  On 5/10/2013 2:49 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 2:45 PM, meekerdb <> wrote:
>>  On 5/10/2013 12:11 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
>> On May 10, 2013, at 1:24 PM, meekerdb <> wrote:
>>   On 5/10/2013 10:58 AM, Jason Resch wrote:
>> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 12:03 PM, John Clark <>wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 10, 2013  Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
>>>  > How could a pseudo-religion, fake by definition, be superior to
>>>> anything?
>>> Well, I'd rather be a fake moron that a real moron, wouldn't you?
>>>    > And why should a religion be illogical?
>>> Because if it deals with big issues as religion does and it is not
>>> illogical then the word for that is not "religion" but "science".
>> Religion is a set of beliefs which cannot be proved.  Science is a means
>> by which one might arrive on such a set of beliefs.  Life requires making
>> decisions but as science never provides 100% certainty on any idea, science
>> can never tell us what course of action is correct.  For that we must fall
>> back to our beliefs and hope our decision was right.
>> That's a very strange formulation?  Yes, science is a means of arriving
>> at a set of propositions that cannot be proved, but so is astrology and
>> numerology and even just making stuff up.  But science is right much more
>> consistently than other methods and that's what distinguishes it - not the
>> fact that it's not certain.
>>  My point is that even with good methods of arriving at beliefs (such as
>> science) we never get certainty.
>>  Sure.  It's even true in mathematics and logic, which unlike science do
>> purport to prove things:
>  Right.
>>  Yet any time we make a decision we must base that decision on some
>> belief as if it were true, which is not scientific (but religious), as it
>> depends on unprovable beliefs.
>>  You're creating a false equivalence between science and religion (maybe
>> so you can tell John Clark he's really religious; he likes to hear that.
>> :-) ).
>  They are not equivalent, but there is a relationship between the two.
>  It is like Bruno says, science is the tool and religion the goal.  Or what
> Einstein said, where religion sets the goals and science helps realize them:
>  "Now, even though the realms of religion and science in themselves are
> clearly marked off from each other, nevertheless there exist between the
> two strong reciprocal relationships and dependencies. Though religion may
> be that which determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned from
> science, in the broadest sense, what means will contribute to the
> attainment of the goals it has set up. But science can only be created by
> those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and
> understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of
> religion. To this there also belongs the faith in the possibility that the
> regulations valid for the world of existence are rational, that is,
> comprehensible to reason. I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without
> that profound faith. The situation may be expressed by an image: science
> without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
> This an old rhetorical move, made most nakedly by Paul Tillich who defined
> "God" as whatever you value and "religion" as the pursuit of that value.
> So Tillich converted everyone to belief in God much more easily than Billy
> Graham every hoped.  The trouble is that neither you nor Einstein get to
> redefine words - they are defined by commons usage.  It doesn't take
> "profound faith" to bet that the world is explicable.  It only takes the
> observation that a lot has been well explained (by science, not religion)
> and the curiosity to want to explain more.
>>  This wrong in two respects.  First, it is not necessary to assume some
>> proposition is true in order to act.  If I bet on a poker hand I'm betting
>> it's better than my opponents hand - but I'm not assuming or believing or
>> depending on that that. I know I may lose.
>  You decision to bet is based on the belief that maximizing winnings (at
> the expense of others) is good (and that the move has an expected value
> greater than zero).
> That I want to win is not a belief about the world, it's a personal value.
> Something I can perceive directly by introspection.
>   Someone relying only on science could never be certain playing poker
> was the correct course of action to make, for that you had to rely on some
> (possibly wrong) belief that it is good.
> Sure every decision must be informed by some values, factual propositions
> are not enough even if they were certain.
>>    Second, basing a decision on some belief doesn't make it either
>> religious or scientific.  What makes it scientific is that it is supported
>> by the preponderance of the evidence.  What makes it religious is that it
>> is based on the dogma of some religion, i.e. is based on faith in some
>> supernatural revelation.
>  Here you are defining religion circularly as the dogma of some
> religion.
> I gave a non-circular explication of that "... based on faith in some
> supernatural revelation."
>   I prefer my definition of religion as a set of beliefs, as it is
> non-circular, it can be applied to non-dogmatic, and non-revealed
> religions, and it follows more closely with the definitions of Einstein and
> Bruno.
> Except it makes beliefs like "McDonald hamburgers are cheap, but they're
> easy to find." into religions.  But I guess that's a small price to pay for
> converting everyone to religion.
>  Of course, you and John Clark may not like this definition, because it
> shows how every rational thinker operates according to some belief and
> value system, which cannot be justified by science.
>>  E.g., if a doctor asks you if you want a digital brain prosthesis, you
>> must answer yes or no.  Science may lead you to believe CTM is true and the
>> substitution level us right, but you cannot know.  Making the decision
>> involves a leap of faith.
>>  No necessarily.  I can bet CTM is more likely true than an alternative,
>> without leaping to faith in either one.  If I said "yes" to the doctor I
>> wouldn't cancel my life insurance.
>  A bet being the result of a belief + some decision theory.
> But the "belief" doesn't have to be a set of beliefs forming a religion.
> It is only an estimate of the relative of probability of some propositions
> relevant to the decision. It is tentative and subject to test and
> revision.  Decision theory is primarily about making decisions under
> uncertainty.  And you left out values, which are needed as an input to the
> decision theory too.
>  In any case, the "act" is unscientific because either choice represents
> a presumption of knowledge, which we know we never have.  Of course, the
> practical considerations of life in this universe compell us to make such
> decisions all the time.
> So to summarize, according to you, no choice can be scientific because
> science doesn't provide certainty and hence every choice must be religious
> because it requires a certain belief and every certain belief constitutes a
> religion.
>>  I'm not sure what you mean by religion provides beliefs which cannot be
>> proved.
>>  I did not say that it provides them.  I said a religion is those set of
>> beliefs.  How you got them is another matter.
>>  Of course they are not part of an axiomatic system, so they cannot be
>> proved or disproved in that sense.   But they can certainly tested in the
>> ordinary sense of "preponderance of the evidence".  For example many
>> religions include a belief that pious and sincere prayers will be
>> answered.  Double blind tests of this belief show it is not true.  So maybe
>> the reason they can't be proved is that they are false.
>>  Another reason is that nothing can be proved.
>>  I don't think believing is just an act of will that can be applied to
>> any proposition though, at least that's not what I'd call believing.  You
>> seem to implicitly assume that we need certainty in order to act - which is
>> obviously not the case.
>>  No, we never have certainty, so certainty is not required to act.  But
>> all decisions we make (consciously or not) are based on beliefs, which for
>> the sake of the decision, we assume/hope to be true.
>>  No, we don't assume they are true.  In fact we make many decisions
>> subconsciously; so to say we believe some proposition is true in order to
>> act is stretching the meaning of "believe".
>  As much as "unconscious decisions" stretch the meaning of "decide".
> But if you assume all decisions are conscious, you concede that many acts
> are not decisions.
> Brent
> "Once you have backed into the faith corner, you have no
> recourse against terror and repression in the name of religion,
> no recourse against bigotry, demagoguery, misogyny, or abuse
> posing as religion. You have no basis for criticism of cruel
> religions. This is precisely because faith is not a matter of
> evidence and analysis, not a matter of argument and criticism."
>          --- Patricia Churchland
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