On 11 Sep 2013, at 21:25, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 5:41 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> My point was just that the verdict against Galileo was rational, or Popperian.

I don't believe that Karl Popper was as deep a thinker as many on this list do, but I don't think he was as big a fool as THAT!

It is question of historical facts. The Church asks Galileo to mention that his proposal was a theory.

It is not important, because the motivation of the Church was not based on a respect of Reason. Just that Feyerabend was correct on this (at least).

> Aristotle was refuted, but this is usual in science. It does not make him bad, on the contrary.

None of Aristotle's ideas about physics were even close to being correct and could have been easily refuted even in his own day, but instead it was held as the gospel truth for almost 2000 years.

And probably Aristotle might have some responsibility for this. But being refuted is a glory, in science. It means that you have succeeded to be read (not always obvious), and have been enough precise to be wrong.

As Bertrand Russell said:

"Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths."

Great genius makes big mistakes. You can't judge people by singling out their stupidities.

Physics would have been better off if Aristotle had never been born.

You don't know that. Perhaps, as Plato was more correct with respect to comp, but science might need to do detours.

Also, in theology, you are the one still under the influence of Aristotle, which I think was due to a lack of understanding of Plato.

> By Aristotelian I just mean the theories which assume an ontological physical universe.

I asked you this before but got no answer, if the physical universe does not exist how would things be different if it did?

If the physical universe did not exist there would be no Moon, no Earth, no Sun, no atoms, no John Clark, and well things would be rather different.

But I was talking about the Aristotelian Physical Universe. This one needs, by definition, to be assumed as a *primitive* entity. That one imposes physicalism.

If that one would exist, and if there is no flaw in my proposal, then we cannot be digital machine, and most probably could not evolve through evolution, and things would also be different. I don't know, but my point here is that it is indirectly testable.

> By Platonist theories I mean the theories which do not assume a physical universe and which try to explain the appearance of it from something else.

Then I am a Platonist and so is everybody who has half a brain because clearly the appearance of something is not the same as the thing itself. The sound of broken glass is not broken glass, the look of broken glass is not broken glass, the feel of broken glass is not broken glass. What "IS" broken glass? I don't have a complete answer but It must have stable properties of some sort or I wouldn't be able to identify it as a "thing". I don't understand why "physical universe" isn't a good name for that collection of properties.

The difference is the following. Some say there is a broken glass, but forbid you to ask "why there is a broken glass?". That is what some materialist, and all physicalist are doing for the notion of "physical universe". They say that we cannot find an explanation of the origin of the physical laws, and insult as irremediably idiot anyone trying to search on that problem.


  John K Clark

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