On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 11:37 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyone who has a problem with Bruno's teleportation thought experiment
> should logically have the same problem with the MWI.

No, you are entirely incorrect. The Many World's Interpretation is about
what you can expect to see, and although it may seem strange to us
Everett's ideas are 100% logically self consistent. Bruno's "proof" is
about a feeling of identity, about who you can expect to be; but you do not
think you're the same person you were yesterday because yesterday you made
a prediction about today that turned out to be correct, you think you are
the same person you were yesterday for one reason and one reason only, you
remember being Liz yesterday. It's a good thing too because I make
incorrect predictions all the time and when I do I don't feel that I've
entered oblivion, instead I feel like I am the same person I was before
because I can remember being the guy who made that prediction that turned
out to be wrong.

Bruno thinks you can trace personal identity from the present to the
future, but that is like pushing on a string. You can only pull a string
and you can only trace identity from the past to the present. A feeling of
self has nothing to do with predictions, successful ones or otherwise, and
in fact you might not even have a future, but you certainly have a past.

  John K Clark

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