
No, I've mentioned that on a number of occasions. And yes, Omega should 
give us a p-time radius if we can actually figure out how to use it to 
calculate the radius of a simply hypersphere (if it is actually the 
curvature of a standard hypersphere which I'm beginning to doubt) rather 
than of some particular FRW universe which it may be defined in terms of. 
So this remains to be seen.

But next you are putting words in my mouth. I do NOT say that determining 
which events are simultaneous in p-time is fundamentally impossible for any 
being within the universe". That's a basic misunderstanding of my model.

I say quite the opposite, that there is a common universal present moment 
of p-time that all observers in the universe exist within, because the 
present moment of p-time is the only locus of actual reality, and this is 
individually confirmed by direct observation by all observers. But 
apparently you don't accept that direct empirical observation is valid?

I also say that once that is established for each individual observer, then 
it is easy to demonstrate that that same present moment is common to all 

So there is no issue of determining which events are simultaneous in p-time 
because all events that are actually occurring occur only in the present 
moment of p-time.

As for establishing the 'simultaneity' of past moments of p-time they don't 
really have a metric associated with them though you keep trying to tell me 
that coordinate time might provide one, but I don't see that yet.

Again, like consciousness, it's a verifiable empirical observation even 
though no metric is associated with it.


On Thursday, February 6, 2014 9:43:45 AM UTC-5, jessem wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Edgar L. Owen <<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> But recall that p-time is not a directly measurable quantity so 
>> "arbitrary precision" does not apply. You still haven't grasped the concept 
>> correctly. P-time has no direct measure, because the present moment is that 
>> in which all measures, including those of clock time, are computed. 
> I don't recall you ever spelling that out in conversation with me, thanks 
> for clarifying. In the past people had asked you about how to determine 
> p-time and you had said things like "we should be able to compute p-time 
> from Omega, the curvature of the universe" (in the post at 
> So if you now say that determining which events are simultaneous in 
> p-time is fundamentally impossible for any being within the universe, that 
> answers what I was wondering about in question #1.
> Jesse
>> Nevertheless the fact of existence of all observers and thus of 
>> everything in the present moment is a direct empirical observation. Just 
>> like consciousness it is not subject to measure, but that doesn't mean it 
>> doesn't exist.
>> Edgar
>> On Thursday, February 6, 2014 12:47:05 AM UTC-5, jessem wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 7:38 PM, meekerdb <> wrote:
>>>>  On 2/5/2014 9:31 AM, Jesse Mazer wrote:
>>>> --question 1 dealt with the question of how YOU would define p-time 
>>>> simultaneity in a cosmological model where there's no way to slice the 4D 
>>>> spacetime into a series of 3D surfaces such that the density of matter is 
>>>> perfectly uniform on each slice (and that uniform can be characterized by 
>>>> the parameter Omega), unlike in the simple FLRW model where matter is 
>>>> assumed to be distributed in this perfectly uniform way.
>>>> I don't see that perfect uniformity is necessary.  We have calculated 
>>>> our epoch relative to the CMB as 13.8By.  I assume any other scientific 
>>>> species in the universe could do the same and so say whether they were 'at 
>>>> the same time' as measured by expansion of the cosmos.  I don't see how 
>>>> the 
>>>> existence of galaxies and galaxy clusters precludes this kind of 
>>>> measurement.
>>> Using the CMB may give an approximate answer, but would you argue it 
>>> could distinguish between different simultaneity definitions that agree 
>>> approximately when averaged over large scales, but disagree somewhat about 
>>> the details of simultaneity in highly curved regions? For example, could 
>>> the CMB be used to define a unique definition of simultaneity in the 
>>> neighborhood of a black hole (where coordinate systems like Schwarzschild 
>>> coordinates and Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates and Kruskal-Szekeres 
>>> coordinates give very different definitions of simultaneity)? Edgar isn't 
>>> just claiming some approximate pragmatic truth about simultaneity, he's 
>>> claiming an absolute and exact truth about simultaneity in all 
>>> circumstances, I was asking if he thinks this truth can be empirically 
>>> determined to arbitrary precision even in principle, and if so what 
>>> empirical observations would be used. 
>>> Jesse
>>>> Brent
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