On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:19:35 PM UTC-4, Liz R wrote:
> On 25 March 2014 02:59, Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>>wrote:
>> If you are living, you already understand what living is.
> Are you telling me a potato plant - which is undeniably alive - 
> understands what living is? If so, this seems to either elevate potatoes to 
> conscious beings, or else to reduce the meaning of "understand" to 
> something trivial.

I would not imagine that there is any understanding of life as a potato, 
but there is probably an understanding of water, temperature, probably soil 
density...not in those terms obviously, but there is an experience going 
on. A plants life might be more comparable with the life of a single 
emotion. A blooming flower looks like a feeling. The whole life of that 
flower may, in some sense, 'be' that feeling. Not a feeling that belongs to 
the thing that we see as a flower, but a feeling in general. Just as the 
gold qualities of gold don't belong to any piece of gold in particular, 
most experiences in the universe may not be localized in the same way that 
a freaked out hominid's mind is.


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