On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 Samiya Illias <samiyaill...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> If the Quran has told Muslims to "put terror into the hearts of the
>> unbelievers" and if the Quran really is the word of God then you will be in
>> a constant state of war until the last unbeliever has been converted or
>> murdered.
> > Incorrect. God and his angels will put terror in the hearts.

Then God isn't doing a very good job, I guess He needs reinforcements.
Neither God nor His angels puts terror into my heart, but religious
nincompoops with a fetish for dynamite do.

> > Muslims are not asked to do that.

And yet Muslims are told to:

“Say to the unbelievers: ‘You shall be overthrown and driven into Hell—an
evil resting place!’” .


“Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people. They will
spare no pains to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin. Their
hatred is evident from what they utter with their mouths, but greater is
the hatred which their breasts conceal” .


“Believers, do not seek the friendship of the infidels"

> > According to the Quran [...]

Samiya, this is 21st century, other than the fact that you mommy and daddy
told you it was true why would you care what the Quran said?

> God doesn't force faith on anyone.

But Muslims and Christians do.

> In fact, on the contrary, those who do not want to believe, God withholds
> guidance from them.

What I want to know is why a omnipotent being would consider a belief (or
the desire to have a belief) in something for which there is no evidence a
virtue, in fact the very greatest virtue there is. It's childishly easy to
understand why a bipedal hominid like Jesus or Mohamed or any
mountebank who wished to gain some control over his fellow hominids would
push this idea, but I don't see why a omnipotent being would.

> > if you put one toe out of line  a loving God with torture you in ways
>> beyond imagining for a infinite number of years.
> > Well, if you do not believe in God or after-life, why do you worry about
> it?

I worry that God will torment me in the afterlife about as much as I worry
that the big bad wolf will huff and puff and blow my house down, however I
do worry that other people worry about it because nothing in human history
has causes people to do more stupid and destructive things than religion.

>> I think the God of the Quran is the second most unpleasant character in
>> all of fiction, only the God of the Old Testament is worse.
> > I think Allah ( The Deity) is the most loving and compassionate.

Well you'd better think that God is most loving and compassionate because
if you don't your religion says that most loving and compassionate being
will torture you in ways too horrible for our present human minds to
contemplate. And a most loving and compassionate God will continue
performing His butchery on you not for a million years, or a billion years
or a trillion years but for a INFINITE* number of years.

*Scripture does not report if the infinity is denumerable or if the number
of years in hell being tortured by a loving and compassionate God can be
put into a one to one correspondence with the set of Real Numbers.

> It is of no benefit to Allah to punish anyone

And yet according to both Islam and Christianity God uses all of his
infinite power to punish people for the slightest violation of one of His
many monumentally silly rules. When you look at the way God behaves in the
Quran (or the Bible) can you detect any fundamental difference from the way
Satin behaves? The only difference I can see is that God won the war and is
a little more powerful, so the only reason to join God's team rather than
that of His competition is that God is a bigger school yard bully than

> the doors for repentance are open till a person is about to die. It's
> only when the veil is lifted and a person sees the angel of death that the
> chance to repent and believe is over.

So if a man was a good person for 80 years but in the last 3 seconds of his
life during his death agony in a concentration camp he screamed "damn God"
 he goes to hell. But if Hitler said "there is no God but Allah and Mohamed
was his prophet" one second before he put a pistol in his mouth and pulled
the trigger then Hitler goes to Heaven.

Well.. I guess it's no dumber than lots of other religious ideas.

  John K Clark

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