On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 2:49:19 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:
> On 12/20/2017 3:33 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
> > You need to read the papers or ask question. The starting point (which 
> > is not obvious and requires the reading of the Universal Doevtailer 
> > Argument) is that you cannot have both a mechanist explanation of the 
> > mind, and physicalism. 
> This is false.  The argument doesn't show that.  In fact I think it 
> implies that the physical is necessary.  Bruno is found of saying that 
> it makes computation basic.  But computation apparently explains too 
> much.  So it is only by saying that somehow what we experience as mental 
> and physical is picked out does computationalism "explain" the world.  I 
> don't know why he insists on calling computationalism "mechanist" since 
> it has nothing to do with "mechanisms" or "mechanical". 
> Brent 

Without necessarily getting into information theory too deeply we can see 
that computation has some impact on the information theoretic scale of a 
system. An easy example is SU(2) vs SU(3). SU(2) has one weight, 
corresponding to two eigenvalues, and two roots that act as raising and 
lowering operation on the weight. This is seen in the standard spin model 
of fermions. The SU(3) model has two weights with three values, 
corresponding to the 3,3-bar representations of color charges, and 6 roots 
that transform between the weights. This has more computation and also more 
degrees of freedom. So the more computation there is, where a Feynman 
diagram could be thought of as a succession of operations or computations 
that raise or lower various quantum numbers by exchanging with other 
quantum numbers, the more degrees of freedom there are. 


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