On Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 4:17:44 PM UTC-5, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 8:32:17 PM UTC, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>> I have been around the block on these matters with you. 
> *In your imagination. AG*

You have been stuck on these matters since the early days of Vic's 
discussion forum. In spite of mine and other's efforts you keep "not 
getting it." I can't write a treatise here. It would be a waste of time. If 
you want to read a book on this look at Redhead's book on the metaphysics 
of QM. I can't advise any further, but you will have to study this in 
greater depth and be willing to cast intuitive and metaphysical baggage 



>> If you refuse to accept them then fine. I can't spend my time trying to 
>> convince creationists of evolution and I can't try to convince people who's 
>> metaphysical baggage prevents them from accepting something that we know is 
>> empirically correct.
> *If you were paying even casual attention you'd know I never disputed the 
> empirical finding. AG*
>> Quantum mechanics with its nonlocality and entanglement tells us that a 
>> quantum system is in many places at once. If I perform a rotation on one 
>> part of an EPR pair, say by adjusting a magnetic field, the other part 
>> similarly adjusts. The reason is not because there is a causal 
>> communication, but because the two parts of the EPR pair are not separable 
>> in space; they are in fact just the same thing, and further this wholeness 
>> is epistemologically greater. 
> *I see. The two parts or subsystems are not separable in space despite the 
> fact that the two measurement devices are, and both subsystems are the same 
> thing even though their arguably simultaneous measurements differ. If that 
> makes you happy, I have no quarrel. AG*
>> Curiously with quantum field theory a lot of nonlocality is swept under 
>> the rug. The vanishing of equal time commutators on spatial manifolds 
>> demolishes a lot of this. With quantum fields though since entangled 
>> systems are short lived and decay the entanglement phase is quickly 
>> scrambled into the reservoir of states in the measurement apparatus. It is 
>> why the LHC is not used to research the foundations of quantum mechanics. 
>> In fact hadron detectors are colorimeters, which indicates heat an loss of 
>> quantum coherence. So the loss of physics is not that significant.
>> However, once you bring spacetime into the picture nonlocality returns. 
>> This is one reason quantum field theoretic methods have not worked with 
>> quantum gravitation. With quantum gravitation nonlocality in fact returns 
>> with a vengence.
>> LC

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