Le sam. 24 nov. 2018 17:28, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> On Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 8:31 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> > *in a precise context, when doing science/mathematics, it is useful to
>> have precise mathematical definition.*
> Sure definitions can be useful but they never cause things to pop into
> existence or can tell you anything about the nature of science or
> mathematics, all they tell you is what the sound some human beings make
> with their mouth or the squiggles they draw with their hands represent,
> something that may or may not be part of reality.
> *> You define computation through an ontological commitment.*
> My commitment is with the scientific method, so when you make outlandish
> claims (*matter is not needed to make calculations Robison arithmetic
> alone can do so,  Kleene’s predicate T(x, y, z) can encode information*)
> I ask you to actually do so.

Strangely you're not as hard with yourself when you advertise manyworld...
Just show us a parallel universe then... Until you apply to your own
beliefs your own methods, It will just be dismissive BS.

I don't ask you to tell me about it, anybody can spin a tale in the English
> language or the Mathematical language, I ask you to actually make a
> calculation or encode some information without using matter that obeys the
> laws of physics. I don't want more squiggles made of ink I want you to
> perform a experiment that can be repeated.  I'm not being unreasonable in
> my request, I'm just asking you to be scientific.  If you can successfully
> do all that I'll do a 180, my opinion of your work will change radically
> because I have no loyalty or sentimentality, if a idea doesn't work I
> reject it if it does work I embrace it until I find something that works
> even better.
>> > *That is not the standard way to proceed in this field,*
> True, that's not the way things are done in the Junk Science field, Voodoo
> priests would not approve at all.
> >>Definitions do not change reality and you're never going to discover
>>> anything new just by making definitions.
>> > *Any formal or mathematical definition will do,*
> Will do what? Change reality?
> *>That all computations are executed in arithmetic is just a standard fact
>> knows since 1931-1936. *
> And it has also been know that arithmetic can only be performed by matter
> that obeys the laws of physics.
>> > *That simply cannot work, unless you are right about the non existence
>> of the first person indeterminacy, *
> First person indeterminacy? Oh yes, the idea that you can't always be
> certain what will happen next. I believe that monumental discovery was made
> by the great thinker and philosopher Og The Caveman.
>> >>We've observed experimentally that a change in matter changes
>>> consciousness and a change in consciousness changes matter, I don't see how
>>> you could get better evidence than that indicating matter and consciousness
>>> are related.
>> *> In a video games, you can also have such relations,*
> Yes, so what?
> *> them being processed in the physical reality, or in a brain in a vat,
>> or in arithmetic, the same effect can take place,*
> A brain in a vat is part of physical reality and so is a brain in a bone
> box atop your shoulders. And forget video games, arithmetic can't even
> calculate 2+2 anymore the English word "cat" can have kittens because a
> language by itself can't do anything.
> >>Turing showed that matter can make any computation that can be
>>> composted, what more do you need.
> *> Sure,*
> I'm glad we agree on something.
> *> but we talk on primary matter, and it is this one that you have to
>> explain the role in consciousness,*
> To hell with consciousness! Turing explained how matter can behave
> intelligently, and Darwin explained how  natural selection and random
> mutation can produce an animal that behaves intelligently, and I know that
> I am conscious, and I know I am the product of Evolution. If consciousness
> is a brute fact, if consciousness is the inevitable byproduct of
> intelligence, as I think it must be, then there is nothing more of interest
> to be said about it, certainly nobody on this list has said anything of
> more significance about consciousness since I joined the list.
> >> You've got it backwards. Again. Turing proved that matter can do
>>> mathematics he did NOT prove that mathematics can do matter,
>> *> Yes, that is my result,*
> If you agree with Turing that matter can do mathematics but mathematics
> can NOT do matter then you must also agree that physics is more fundamental
> than mathematics.
>> > in arithmetic there are infinitely any processes that we cannot
>> predict in advance.
> True, but how in the world does that weakness support your claim that
> mathematics tells physics what to do and thus is at the foundation of
> reality when mathematics doesn't know what matter is going to do even
> though matter always ends up doing something?
> >> Neither Mathematics or English or any other language will ever be Turing
>>> universal, but matter is not a language and we've known since 1936 that it
>>> is Turing universal.
>> >*You insist confusing the language of mathematics and the object talked
>> about using that language.*
> It was you not me that insisted Robison arithmetic alone can make
> calculations and "T(x, y, z)" can encode information. So who's really
> confused?
> >>Turing has a great deal to say about the physical, he said everything
>>> can be translated into something physical and in fact the physical is
>>> all he talked about.
>> *>In its embryogenesis paper, or in its note on the quantum Zeno effect,
>> not in its paper on computations, which he made clear to be mathematical,
>> and later arithmetical.*
> Turing's 1936 paper showed how matter that obeys the laws of physics can
> perform any computation that can be computed. Church also prove the Halting
> Problem had no solution but he did not show that matter that  obeys the
> laws of physics can perform any computation that can be computed, and
> that's why Turing's work was greater than Church's.
> >>I will not read another word of it until you fix the blunder in step 3,
>>> and I don't think you ever will.
>> > *What error?*
> Oh for christ sake! After 5+ years you say "what error?"!
> *> Doing metaphysics with the scientific attitude consists in NOT deciding
>> the ontology at the start.*
> OK let's do metaphysics with a scientific attitude, we'll do an
> experiment. You claim you can encode information in "Kleene’s predicate
> T(x, y, z)" so upload some information into "Kleene’s predicate T(x, y, z)"
> and then, after you tell me how to do it because I have no idea, I will
> download that information from "Kleene’s predicate T(x, y, z)" and we can
> compare what you upload with what I downloaded and see if any of the
> information has been corrupted. We can then write a joint paper and publish
> our results in a peer reviewed journal. That would be the scientific method.
> *> why do you try to intervene in a discussion in metaphysics. This list
>> is not a physics list, but a list on the subject of how to unify
>> everything, which includes consciousness, god or not gods, etc. *
> Not entirely, on occasion this list stops babbling crackpot mysticism and
> actually discusses some real science and mathematics, not often but it does
> happen.
>>  >>I would say a physical universe is a place with the capacity to build
>>> a working Turing Machine, even if we're living in a computer simulation I
>>> have no doubt such a place exists.
>> *> Amen. If you have no doubt, then there is nothing we can do.*
> So you don't think a working Turing Machine can be built anywhere???
> * > it is Aristotle theology* [...]
> Yawn.
> *>You assume Aristotle theology *[...]
> Sorry, I didn't hear what you said after that, I fell asleep.
>  John K Clark
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