On Friday, December 21, 2018 at 11:12:18 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 21 Dec 2018, at 01:07, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 3:40:53 PM UTC-6, Bruce wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 3:13 AM Bruno Marchal <mar...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> Is not 333’s oddness timeless?
>> Category error.
> On category error:
> I've never understood "category error" [ 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_mistake ]. (Some philosopher I 
> read about recently gave a talk on the non-existence of category errors. 
> Good.) 
> *Is 333's oddness timeless? *is a perfectly reasonable question.
> To the immaterialist, the answer could be "yes".
> To the materialist, the answer could not be "no”.
> That makes sense only if the materialist describe how 333 depends on time. 
> But then I suppose he has a different definition than the usual one, and 
> that requires clarification.
> It all depends.
> There is a type of dualists who say 333 is one category (nonphysical) and 
> time (as in spacetime) is in another category (physical), but this dualism 
> is just mixed-up confusion to me.
> And to me to. But I guess you defends a materialist monism. That 
> contradicts Mechanism.
> Gilbert Ryle's initial rendition of "category error" (about mind) stands 
> in contradiction to Galen Strawson on that topic.
> The problem with the materialist is that they need to make consciousness 
> into an illusion, and that is already jeopardise by the Cartesian Cogito. 
> As I said, it is easier to explain the illusion of matter to a conscious 
> being (especially if he remembers its dream) than to explain the illusion 
> of consciousness to a piece of matter. Now, once we work in the Digital 
> Mechanist frame, things get clearer and deeper.
> Bruno
But in 2019:

Out: Eliminative ("Mechanistic") Materialism
In:    Experiential Materialism

"I think we need to radically rethink *our understanding of matter *in 
order to explain consciousness, in something like the way Einstein 
radically rethought the nature of space and time."

- Philip Goff [ http://www.philipgoffphilosophy.com/ ]

- pt

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