> On 24 Dec 2018, at 00:15, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Sunday, December 23, 2018 at 5:37:21 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 22 Dec 2018, at 03:29, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
>> On Saturday, December 22, 2018 at 2:03:06 AM UTC, Jason wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 8:50 PM <agrays...@gmail.com <>> wrote:
>> On Saturday, December 22, 2018 at 1:42:06 AM UTC, Jason wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 21, 2018 at 11:40 AM John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com <>> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 7:30 PM Jason Resch <jason...@gmail.com <>> wrote:
>> >>>> The Schrodinger equation describes the quantum wave function using 
>> >>>> complex numbers, and that is not observable so it's subjective in the 
>> >>>> same way that lines of latitude and longitude are. However the square 
>> >>>> of the absolute value of the wave function is observable because that 
>> >>>> produces a probability that we can measure in the physical world that 
>> >>>> is objective, provided  anything deserves that word; but it also yields 
>> >>>> something that is not deterministic.
>> >>> It is still deterministic. 
>> >>That depends on what "it" refers to. The quantum wave function is 
>> >>deterministic but the physical system associated with it is not. 
>> > This is incorrect.
>> What a devastating retort, you sure put me in my place! Jason ,the 
>> Schrodinger equation is deterministic and describes the quantum wave 
>> function, but that function is an abstraction and is unobservable, to get 
>> something you can see you must square the absolute value of the wave 
>> function and that gives you the probability you will observe a particle at 
>> any spot; but Schrodinger's equation has an "i" in it , the square root of 
>> -1, and that means very different quantum wave functions can give the exact 
>> same probability distribution when you square it; remember with i you get 
>> weird stuff like i^2=i^6 =-1 and i^4=i^100=1. That's why we only get 
>> probabilities not certainties. 
>> >>> Schrodinger's equation does not say this is what happened, it just says 
>> >>> that you have ended up with a system with many sets of observers, each 
>> >>> of which observed different outcomes.
>> >>That's what Many World's claims it means but that claim is controversial, 
>> >>but what is not controversial is the wave function the Schrodinger 
>> >>equation describes mathematically.  Consider the wave functions of these 2 
>> >>systems: 
>> 1) An  electron of velocity V starts at X  and after one second it is 
>> observed at point Y and then goes on for  another second.
>> 2) An electron of the same velocity V starts at the same point X and then 
>> goes on for 2 seconds.
>> The wave functions of these 2 systems are NOT the same and after you've 
>> taken the square of the absolute value of both you will find radically 
>> different probabilities about where you're likely to find the electron after 
>> 2 seconds. And as I said this is not controversial, people disagree over 
>> quantum interpretations but nobody disagrees over the mathematics, and the 
>> mathematical objects that the Schrodinger equation describes in those two 
>> systems are NOT the same.
>> > If you model the system to be measured, and the experimenter making the 
>> > measurement, the Schrodinger wave equation tells you unambiguously the 
>> > system [...]
>> The Schrodinger wave equation tells precisely, unambiguously and 
>> deterministically what the wave function associated with the system will be 
>> but it says nothing unambiguously about the system itself. We do know the 
>> square of the absolute value of the wave function gives us the probability 
>> of obtaining a certain value if we measure a particular aspect of the 
>> system, but other than that things become controversial. Some people (the 
>> shut up and calculate people) say that's the only thing the math is telling 
>> us, but others (the Many World and Copenhagen and Pilot Wave people) say the 
>> math is telling us more than that but disagree about what that is. But 
>> everybody agrees about the math itself, and if an observation is made forget 
>> about what the math may mean the very mathematics of the Schrodinger wave 
>> changes.
>> > If you don't believe me, consider what would happen if you simulated an 
>> > experimenter's mind on a quantum computer, and then fed in as sensory 
>> > input one of the qubits registers prepared to be in a superposed state (0 
>> > and 1).
>> I don't have a quantum computer and I don't have direct access to any mind 
>> other than my own so I can't do that, I could tell you my hunch about what I 
>> believe would happen and it's probably similar to your hunch but other 
>> people, including some very smart ones, disagree so we could be wrong.
>> Such people disbelieve in the Schrodinger equation.
>> Suppose (courtesy of Bruce) the SE represents a horse race with the 
>> probabilities varying wrt time. What's your view of the status of the SE 
>> when one horse wins and others loose? AG 
>> I am not sure I understand the question.
>> Jason 
>> When the horse race is over (in this world), does it continue in other 
>> worlds where the losers get a chance to win, or does the SE cease to be 
>> relevant in any descriptive way? AG 
> The SE remains always correct. It is only if you make the other “universe" 
> disappearing that the SE is not correct.
> BS. You utterly fail to understand the point of the horse race example. The 
> SE doesn't extend to other worlds.


The SE is what define the other worlds, or superposition terms, and the SE 
describes them literally. The double linearity (tensor product and evolution) 
makes the SE describing the prediction relatively to each branch. The collapse 
of the wave is a non linear process (if it is seen as a process) violating the 

Many-worlds (or many-histories, …) is basically just the SWE, without collapse. 
Everett theory is just Copenhagen minus the idea of a physical collapse.

> Those who claim otherwise are adding something to QM which suits their fancy; 
> that everything that's possible to happen, must happen.

Only with a special probability, and relatively to the observer. 
Yes, that “everything” needs to be realise, or we don’t get the interference.

> Talk about bad metaphysics! You're one of its prime culprits! As for 
> Aristotle's physics creeping into physics, it doesn't. AG 

Aristotle is just the idea that there is a primary physical universe. If you 
agree this could be wrong, that will help you to see the immaterialist 
consequences of Digital Mechanism.

> Bruno
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