On Saturday, January 26, 2019 at 5:01:02 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
> On Saturday, January 26, 2019 at 4:54:58 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> On Saturday, January 26, 2019 at 2:25:59 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>>> On Friday, January 25, 2019 at 6:06:09 AM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>> On Friday, January 25, 2019 at 4:48:38 AM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
>>>>> On Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 2:03:10 PM UTC-6, Philip Thrift wrote:
>>>>>> On Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 12:57:00 PM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 8:59:42 AM UTC-6, Philip Thrift 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 5:54:46 AM UTC-6, Lawrence Crowell 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> My point is that in physics what might be called a halting 
>>>>>>>>> condition is an attractor point or limit cycle. Equilibrium is the 
>>>>>>>>> terminal 
>>>>>>>>> point in the evolution of some system, say thinking according to 
>>>>>>>>> Landauer's 
>>>>>>>>> original paper on thermodynamics and information. The quantum field 
>>>>>>>>> theory 
>>>>>>>>> of black holes has no equilibrium condition. Now if the black hole 
>>>>>>>>> runs 
>>>>>>>>> away with Hawking radiation it will “explode” in a burst of gamma 
>>>>>>>>> rays and 
>>>>>>>>> other quanta. A Turing machine that does not halt can also be said to 
>>>>>>>>> burn 
>>>>>>>>> itself out, and if anyone has programmed assembler there were loops 
>>>>>>>>> you 
>>>>>>>>> could put a machine into that might do damage. 
>>>>>>>>> Sorry for being slow on this. I forgot to get flu shots this year 
>>>>>>>>> and I have been hit with a real doozy of a flu. Since Sunday night 
>>>>>>>>> until 
>>>>>>>>> yesterday I was horribly ill, and only now am beginning to feel 
>>>>>>>>> normal. Get 
>>>>>>>>> the shots, you really do not want this flu!
>>>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>>>> I used to think that there *could be* true hypercomputation (what 
>>>>>>>> is called super-Turing machines) in nature, but now I think that there 
>>>>>>>> is 
>>>>>>>> no such thing (but anything remains possible, of course).
>>>>>>>> *But the idea of substrate-independent Turing machines is 
>>>>>>>> incomplete.*
>>>>>>>> I shouldn't say (if will jinx me!) but I've never gotten a flu shot 
>>>>>>>> and I haven't gotten the flu in over 40 years.
>>>>>>>> But I hope the flu program doesn't start running in / affect my 
>>>>>>>> substrate!
>>>>>>>> - pt
>>>>>>> I hate to pop your bubble here, but a few years ago at a New Year's 
>>>>>>> party a person who had cancer go into remission made this statement 
>>>>>>> that 
>>>>>>> she never got colds or flus. A doctor I know was there and responded 
>>>>>>> with 
>>>>>>> how not getting these sicknesses is a risk factor for cancer! The woman 
>>>>>>> died a last summer with the return of her non-Hodgkins lymphoma. 
>>>>>>> Hyper-Turing computations or results are not accessible to local 
>>>>>>> observers.
>>>>>>> LC
>>>>>> What about the interviews of people over 100 who say they've never 
>>>>>> had a cold or the flu? 
>>>>>> And where are these hyper-Turing processes occurring?
>>>>>> - pt
>>>>> Hypercomputations run into extreme energy or frequency, so the 
>>>>> conclusion of it occurs in black holes or in trans-Plankian scales we 
>>>>> can't 
>>>>> observe. In a sense it is a sort of renormailization and treated as a 
>>>>> p-adic regularization of quantum gravity.
>>>>> When it comes to cold and flu I am just echoing what I was told. You 
>>>>> would have to research this out more extensively.
>>>>> LC
>>>> I think "hypercomputing" is not needed in the quantum space (LQG) model 
>>>> of black holes (the recent Penn State, LSU model).
>>>> As for the flu, I'm afraid researching it might jinx me. :)
>>>> - pt
>>> LQG of course breaks Lorentz symmetry near the Planck scale. The finite 
>>> elements have reduced diffeomorphic symmetry, and which buries away any 
>>> such problems. The numerical simulations you reference are a typical case 
>>> of computer science, input variables in, output variable result. LQG has a 
>>> hard renormalization UV cutoff that breaks the symmetry of the field. 
>>> LC
>> In LQG, or quantum space models in general, the *Lorenz group* [ 
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_group ] would be replaced by a 
>> different mathematics. 
>> *All of the mathematics of conventional physics has to be "quantized" all 
>> the way down.*
>> - pt
> It's a subject worth exploring of course:
> https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.00924
> Discrete Lorentz symmetry and discrete time translational symmetry
> Pei Wang 
> <https://arxiv.org/search/cond-mat?searchtype=author&query=Wang%2C+P>
> (Submitted on 1 Aug 2017 (v1 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.00924v1>), last 
> revised 19 Feb 2018 (this version, v2))
> The Lorentz symmetry and the space and time translational symmetry are 
> fundamental symmetries of nature. Crystals are the manifestation of the 
> continuous space translational symmetry being spontaneously broken into a 
> discrete one. We argue that, following the space translational symmetry, 
> the continuous Lorentz symmetry should also be broken into a discrete one, 
> which further implies that the continuous time translational symmetry is 
> broken into a discrete one. We deduce all the possible discrete Lorentz and 
> discrete time translational symmetries in 1+1-dimensional spacetime, and 
> show how to build a field theory or a lattice field theory that has these 
> symmetries.
> - pt 

The spinorial  Lorentz group for (½, 0)⊕(0, ½)  is SL(2, C). This being 
SL(2,  C) =SL(2,  R)×SL(2,  R) there is a modular subgroup to SL(2, R) of 
linear fractional transformations SL(2, Z) ⊂  SL(2, R). This defines a set 
of equivalent orbits or paths. This is a discrete Lorentz symmetry for 
gauge or coordinate condition equivalent moduli. 

It is not commonly thought this is what spacetime is near the Planck scale, 
I suppose unless you are an LQG maven. It is connected with orbits on 
strings, with Teichmuller spaces of 6g - 6 dimensions and so forth. 


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