What a nice little war. Technically Bruce is right, but this just shows 
that we have misunderstood the issue. Of course mass/energy in each branch 
is unaffected by the split; we just need to find another, sane way to 
express the idea.

Here is what I understand; correct me if I am wrong. In the multiverse 
created by a single split, we define the space-time distribution of 
mass/energy in this multiverse as the weighed (Born) sum of the 
distributions of the branches. So, each mass in each branch doesn't change; 
only its contribution to the corresponding "multiverse-total" mass is 

What is the point of a multiverse-total mass? I suppose it is intended as 
the source of gravitational field for any observer outside the 
Schroedinger-box in which the split is contained (assuming a separate, 
isolated, contained environment inside the box).

To make it more concrete, consider a double-slit interference experiment, 
using one electron at a time. Instead of a screen there are many tiny 
pockets to capture the electron. Outside the box, there are many 
ultra-sensitive gravitational detectors, aiming to locate the electron in a 
pocket. But if the gravitational field of the electron, outside the box, is 
the weighed sum of all branches (one for each pocket), then the detectors 
will be unable to locate the electron. The gravitational measurements will 
indicate, instead of a single pocket, the interference pattern (which we 
would expect from a large number of electrons).

So the gravitational measurements will produce something like an X-ray 
picture of a wavefunction, without destroying it. I find this queer, but 
here I quit for the night, waiting for any other opinions on this issue.

George K.

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