Hmmm. Have you considered that a Malamet-Hogarth Spacetime, (mathematically 
speaking), would conflate with your blackhole-wormhole conundrum? Specifically:
Forever is a Day: Supertasks in Pitowsky and Malament-Hogarth Spacetimes (book 
Forever is a Day: Supertasks in Pitowsky and Malament-Hogarth Spacetimes | 
Philosophy of Science | Cambridge Core

Concomitant with:
Unruh deWitt probe of late time revival of quantum correlations in Friedmann 
[2210.11186] Unruh deWitt probe of late time revival of quantum correlations in 
Friedmann spacetimes (

Meaning, if we live in a universe that has mass, then transversable wormholes 
are to be expected. This was the point of the news note, that I posted the 
other day.Wormholes May Be Hiding In Plain Sight, Says Study, Demonstrates How
Wormholes May Already Have Been Detected, Physicists Say : ScienceAlert

With our insufficient equipment (as good as it is!) the astronomers may not 
have recognized a white hole, as in transversable, if it came up behind them, 
and bit them on the ass. It's not their fault, it's just that we haven't 
pursued the best that we could have in physics and astronomy. 
What will change for us mortals, if crossable spacetimes are trivially, true? 
Maybe Nothing!  We're, as always, fired up by war and money and power. The 
science fiction would get better, me thinks. We still have taxes to pay, etc...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jesse Mazer <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 17, 2022 11:41 am
Subject: Re: Is Special Relativity valid for accelerating frames of reference? 

On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 9:41 AM John Clark <> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 7:25 PM <> wrote:

> Setting aside relativity for the nonce, the workability of transversable 
> wormholes is getting more, better!

The trouble with the idea that a Black Hole is the mouth of a wormhole is that 
the other end of the wormhole should be a White Hole and nobody has ever 
detected one

That paper is about traversable wormholes held open by exotic matter, which 
probably could not form naturally (Kip Thorne talked in his paper about what 
might be possible for an 'advanced civilization'), but the traversable wormhole 
solution doesn't involve any event horizons, black hole or white hole. The idea 
of a black hole containing a wormhole comes from the eternal Schwarzschild 
black hole, but it's physically unrealistic because from the perspective of 
external observers this type of black hole would exist forever both in the past 
and future, whereas a physically realistic black hole would form from 
collapsing matter, from what I understand the GR solutions that have been found 
for dynamically formed black holes don't involve wormholes. The Schwarszschild 
black hole contains both a black hole interior region and a white hole interior 
region, though external observers would be able to see *both* particles 
emerging from the white hole region and particles falling in towards the black 
hole region, so from the outside it doesn't look specifically like a black hole 
or a white hole (and there are two distinct 'outside' regions, sometimes 
described as different 'universes' though they are all part of single connected 
spacetime). I think the diagram of the eternal Schwarzschild black hole in 
Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates is probably the most intuitive way to think about 
the weirdness of this solution since the diagram makes light cones look the 
same way they do in SR, there's a qualitative description of the diagram at–Szekeres_coordinates#Qualitative_features_of_the_Kruskal–Szekeres_diagram--
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