On Mar 5, 2009, at 8:36 AM, Kirk wrote:

I almost went to Naropa. On looking back I am glad that I did not. Unless one loved caligraphy, social working, and archery. Back then Ginsberg and Trungpa were still alive. Now they are not. The Shamballah people are as much a totally absorbing cult as any other on the planet. many lamas do not support them. Their Kalachakra, has no relation to that of the Dalai Lama
and Sakya Trizin. In short, they can teach you much but their cultish
bullshit is whack. Not to mention their core group moved from Boulder to
Nova Scotia.

Where did you take your Shambhala teachings? That's the exact opposite of my experience, while attending with a friend, as well as friends who've received teachings from Pema Chodron or Trungpa directly. The basic meditation instructor who taught us was the best western meditation instructor I've experienced. While I fully expected a weird cult, instead I found refreshing sanity and openness.

As far as I am aware the Trungpa Shambhala termas were verified by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, so they are in fact authentic, although they definitely seem more geared towards westerners. Since they are termas, they're obviously going to be different from earlier Shambhala teachings. That's the nature of ter and gnostic revelation, they refresh the lineage for a certain place and time.

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