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> Ok, Judy, apologies accepted, thank you.
When someone says they believe they can tell
you what to think, you have the right to tell
them you believe you have the right to tell 
them where to go. LoL!

> Moving on, you think I was wrong when I said 
> psychologically raped to Robin.  I think I 
> was emotionally upset, as well as overwhelmed 
> by many other inputs.  I think I was lacking 
> in psychological development.  I think I was 
> lacking in certain communication skills. 
> Nonetheless I think my POV is more accurate and 
> inclusive of the whole truth than yours. And my 
> inner Xeno is smiling wryly about that.  
> My statements on and about Sept 6 were all 
> genuine expressions of how I was feeling when I 
> wrote them. Even now I assess those posts as 
> accurately reporting that I was very upset with 
> Robin and also giving him the benefit of the 
> doubt because I wanted to see if there was a 
> way to continue being friends.  It is true that
>  I was experiencing a mix and range of physical 
> and emotional states from grumpiness to feeling 
> psychologically raped. 
> Mix and range of inner experiences is something 
> humans experience. Though evidently not all 
> humans recognize this fact.  
> In addition, every time Xeno, Curtis, Steve, 
> feste and others write about this, their clarity 
> and greater objectivity has helped me understand 
> what was often subjective and emotionally 
> challenging for me.  So I am grateful to them all 
> for helping me find the words to understand events 
> and individuals that I'm still trying to understand.
> And I continue to incorporate their understandings 
> and wordings into my thinking and writing about it.
> EMILY, take note, my incorporating of the insights 
> of others will continue to happen.
> Judy, it's not that I keep going lower and lower.
> It's that your assessment of your POV keeps going 
> higher and higher.  Indicating only that it's all 
> relative.
> As for your concern about Robin's reputation, as 
> one poster recently said here, what I said was a blip 
> on the screen in comparison to Robin's own posts.
> I'd add that the postings of many of his supporters 
> also affects his reputation negatively, as difficult 
> as that might be for them to acknowledge.  
> Reasonable people everywhere will consider all that 
> is pertinent.  Or maybe ignore the whole thing. 
> Beyond that it is the workings of karma.
> >
> > Poor archives, still being selectively eschewed by Judy.
> > Correcting Judy:  I joined FFL in May 2012 and Robin
> > rejoined in June 2012.
> >
> You are absolutely right, my mistake, and my apologies.
> Robin *first* joined FFL in June 2011, left in January
> 2012, and returned in June. You joined in May 2012,
> as you say. Apparently I conflated the two June dates.
> I should have double-checked.
> However, my point stands: You were not new either to FFL
> or to Robin at the time he made the remarks that you
> decided four weeks later constituted "psychological rape."
> You had been on FFL for three-and-a-half months, and your
> conversations with Robin had begun in early July, two
> months previously.

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