Lynne, when my Flavia's transfusion raised her HCT from a perilous 7.5
to 21 the vet and I were thrilled. BooBoo's is 22.4. A normal HCT would
be 29--45. (My negative cat is 34.)
Jumping on your bed and purring in your face?! BooBoo is a happy cat,
making the most of all the love and attention he always deserved and is
finally getting.
I'm so glad BooBoo found you and your husband. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lynne
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 7:03 AM
Subject: Re: CLS

Thank you Wendy.
I will call my vet today about the Doxycycline and Hemobartanella.
Here are the results of BooBoo's blood work.  This is a Canadian lab so
I don't know if the values are the same as in the US.
WBC    9.9        MCV    57                                   WBC FLAG
EOS (8.9)
RBC    3.95       MCH    20.0                                  % LYM
29.1        LYM    2.8
HGB    7.9         MCHC  35.2                                 % MON
6.5         MONO  .6
HCT    22.4        RDW    17.5                                 % GRA
64.4        6.5
PLT    81            MPV    11.0                            
He wasn't doing very well last night, extremely fatigued.  I did hear
him eating some crunchy food this morning, drink either the water or
milk I put down for him last night.  I know you aren't supposed to give
cats milk but I'm desparate here to get some fluids into him.  He did
wake me up by jumping on the bed this morning and purring in my face.
My husband thought he felt really warm last night and actually I did
too.  He's cool this momrning.  What I have noticed that kind of
concerns me is that when he's sleeping his chest seems to rise unusually
high with each breath, like he has to try extra hard to breath.  This
could be the anemia right?  He does have a bit of a runny nose too.
Calling the vet today.  I did manage to get the previous owners to give
me his birthday.  He will be 5 in July.  This makes me think that he got
infected by a neighborhood cat when he was allowed to roam.  If that's
the case, statistically he's on his last leg.  I was also wondering if
he could be depressed.  As bad as his previous environment was, maybe he
misses those people and his original home.  Could hormonal changes after
his neutering be a reason for his lack of interest in anything?  He was
just neutered last Friday.
Gotta get moving here and go to work, although BooBoo is my real full
time job these days.

        ----- Original Message ----- 
        From: Tad Burnett <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
        Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 12:26 AM
        Subject: Re: CLS

        Hill's A/D is a good tasting recovery food loaded with vitamins
        and minerals... I buy it by the case for my guys... You probably
        have to buy it from your vet but it could help...
        In the archives or files for this group there are directions for
        shake which is about the same thing...
        Marylyn wrote:

                Something that may have already been addressed:  Feed
the absolute best you grains if possible.  Dixie eats
organic and Primal Raw + finely chopped carrots, spinach etc.  One of my
holistic vets recommends vitamin C.  There are lots of good supplements.
Dr. Susan Maier at the Horizon Vet Services in Simpsonville Ky does
phone consultations and has had good luck with FELV+.  Dr. E A Boswell
in Louisville Ky has also had good luck.  I see both of them and think
the world of them.  They compliment and do not replace my regular vets.
If you decide you need phone consultations I'll get you phone numbers or
you can Google them.
                On Feb 13, 2008, at 9:14 PM, wendy wrote:

                        Hey Lynne,
                        My name is Wendy.  I've been active on this site
for over 2 years now, although not as active lately.  There are lots of
good people here and it looks like you've been given some great advice.
I just wanted to say a few things that came to mind as I read the posts
regarding Boo Boo, some of which might have already been touched on.
First, if you don't find a vet that will work to save Boo Boo, find one
who will.  It means all the difference in you and Boo Boo being
supported at this trying time.  Second, absolutely get the prescrip for
doxycycline and treat for hemobartaenella regardless of the test.  It's
extremely difficult to see the parasites on a slide; one minute they're
there, the next they're not.  The treatment is three weeks minimum.
Third, prednisone (or prednisolone) is a good treatment for anemia.
Also, depending on how dire the anemia is, Epogen might also be good.
There is lots of information on both of these treatments in the
archives.  Fourth, what is the anemia diagnosis?  Is it regenerative or
non-regenerative anemia?  What is Boo Boo's HCT/RBC/PCV count exactly?
If you don't have a copy of his bloodwork, call the vet and get it so
that you know exactly what you're dealing with.  You can post those
numbers here and there will be people who know what they mean who can
help you and Boo Boo. 
                        Please keep us posted on Boo Boo's progress and
if you need anything at all, just ask!
                        Dallas, TX
                        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
committed citizens can change the world - indeed it is the only thing
that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~ 

                        ----- Original Message ----
                        From: Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                        Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 3:00:58 PM
                        Subject: CLS
                        I'm sorry for not being knowledgeable of this,
but what is CLS and the bridge you folks refer to? 
                        I've been busy trying to find some ray of hope
for my BooBoo.  I showed his blood work to the doc next door at work,
who is a dog lover, not a cat but he interpreted it as being pretty bad.
He said he has no platelets.  He then got on the phone to a Vet friend
who takes care of his dogs and gave him a brief history of Boo and his
blood work.  The vet said there was nothing I could do about the
situation and that most cats after being diagnosed lived for 2 years at
a max.  I don't even know when BooBoo contracted the disease so who
knows how long he has.  This vet though kept saying, it doesn't mean
he's going to die, whatever the H that means.  I also have a pharmacist
friend who is meeting with a vet friend of his in Detroit tomorrow and
he too is running Boo's history by him to see if there is anything at
all to help him.  Apparently Immuno Regulin is not available here in
Canada so he's going to talk to this man about it tomorrow.  People have
been very kind and honest but I just am finding this impossible to
accept.  I can't wait to get home from work to see him and almost start
bawling when I am with him.  I totally hate this.  I just hope he isn't
feeling any pain.  He mostly sleeps but does purr a lot and seems to
love having us around him.  I just don't know what else to do.


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