I haven't read all the posts in this thread, but did want to make one point
-- just in case it hasn't been addressed previously (although with the
knowledge base here, I can't imagine it hasn't). So apologies if this is a
dead horse but: It's been drummed into me that the presence of coronavirus
alone is not an indicator for FIP since many if not most cats have it in
their systems. This has been such a cause of panic even among vets who
should know better and has resulted in so many needless deaths that I
thought it bore repeating. What causes the coronavirus to mutate into FIP is
a combination of heredity, circumstance, and possibly God having a sh-tty
day and wanting to punish some innocents.

All the best vibes to the kitten in question! Hang in there, darlin'.

Diane R.

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of jbero tds.net
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2009 4:30 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Reversal of FIP in my six-month-old kitten

I find the skepticism and questioning surrounding the diagnosis and
treatment of FIP interesting.  I have to say, however, that every laboratory
test, whether it be in human or veterinary medicine, is subject to failure;
either giving false positives or false negatives.  This is a far more common
problem than most people may understand.  Nothing is 100% in any test, ever.
The best and really only currently known way to deal with this is by looking
at the clinical presentation, history and lab work together.

In this case, the presence of coronavirus in a related kitten, the age of
the kitten, the clinical symptoms of fever, anemia and central nervous
system impairment, I would say, that you are very very very likely looking
at FIP or at least the entity in how it is understood.  As far as diagnosing
it by autopsy, it can also be done with a tissue biopsy.  You are looking
for pyogenicgranulomas,  a histologic (microscopic) diagnosis.  FIP is an
entity that is not entirely understood therefore diagnosiing it accurately
is difficult.  It is simply a constellation of symptoms and lab work.  That
is precisely what you are looking at in this situation.

What I am saying is that there is a cyclical line of reasoning here.  FIP
cannot be easily diagnosed and all are in agreement with that, so dismissing
that this is FIP on the grounds that it's not been definitively diagnosed is
nonsensical.  Given the fact that it fulfills most of the criteria for FIP
we have to go with the most likely scenario that it is.  It fits a non
effusive form of FIP almost perfectly.

Given that, I am excited about the possibility of a treatment.  Whatever
this cat had, whatever you believe was the diagnosis (and by the way it is
obvious that extensive tests, looking to identify alternate causes, were
done).  Whether you call FIP a wastebasket diagnosis, this cat responded and
survived.  The other cat, with identical symptoms, did not receive this full
treatment and died.  There is some success here, whatever your belief on the
diagnosis is.

I understand skepticism but there something happened here, even with don't
fully understand what.  Is it not worth, therefore, investigating?

Well, that's just my opinion.


On 11/23/09, MaryChristine <twelvehousec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> corona virus titres do NOT prove FIP. cats can have high FeCoV titres 
> and not progress to FIP, and cats who have progressed to FIP can have 
> low titres because their exposure was so long before that the virus 
> itself is out of their systems, although the FIP mutation is not.
> FIP is the new favorite diagnosis for, "we haven't a clue."
> like susan, i would love for there to be an answer for FIP--it's much 
> worse than FeLV, because there's no way to predict who will get it, no 
> way to prevent it, and no way to treat it. but calling everything FIP, 
> as has become the habit over the past three years or so, just makes 
> actual diagnosis and learning more muddier.
> MC
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference....
> MaryChristine
> Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue 
> (www.purebredcats.org
> )
> Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team) 
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