laser helps reduce the stress
On Mar 15, 2011, at 6:39 PM, Diane Rosenfeldt wrote:

Generally spay/neuter is a good idea in most cases -- much less
uncomfortable for the cat, since heat is usually excruciating for them. But this is a reason you should seek out a vet familiar with FeLV -- they should be able to judge whether Amber would be too stressed by the procedure, or
figure out ways that she won't be (kitty Prozac?).

Diane R.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jannes Taylor
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Any advice appreciated.

I feel like I must be very cautious until I know for sure where we stand after the restesting. I do appreciate your story and do not feel as nervous about the situation as I did. This has certainly been a learning experience for me. I have loved cats all my life and try to spoil them as much as I can. It makes me feel good to see Amber get all the food she wants and I hear her purr. It is sad she has lost her freedom but I hope to be able to
give her a good life.
BTW, Do you think I should have her spayed or wait until after the
My husband questions whether we should ever her spayed since she can't get

From: Gloria Lane <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 7:04:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Any advice appreciated.

I'd say don't worry about it. I just don't think it's that contagious. I mix

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 14, 2011, at 6:59 PM, Maureen Olvey <> wrote:

I foster cats and kittens for my local humane society.  Last week a 2
year old kitty died.  She tested positive for FeLV.  I got her as a
kitten and at that time she tested negative.  I have got quite a few
cats that have been living with me as long as she has been with me.
They all share the same food bowls and litterboxes.  None are
vaccinated against FeLV since every cat or kitten that comes into my
house has been tested first. It terrified me when I found out she had
been positive, especially since I have a 5 month old kitten that has
been living with me since he was 8 weeks old.  Today I had him and an
older kitten that is about 8 months old tested at the vet's office.
The older kitten has been with me since he was about 12 weeks old.
They both came out negative.  A couple weeks ago I had an adult that
had been with me almost as long as the FeLV cat was with me and she
tested negative as well.  So, I tell you this Jannes to confirm what
the others have said because it shows that not all cats contract FeLV
and there is no need to panic right now. The vet felt that since those kittens and the cat that I had tested had been exposed to FeLV for so long
that if they were going to get it they would have already gotten it.
Especially the cat that had lived at my house with the FeLV + cat for a year
and a half.

A friend of mine has also had 3 or 4 FeLV positive cats living
alongside her healthy cats for years.  She gets her healthy cats
vaccinated against FeLV and they have never contracted the disease from
the FeLV cats.  I would vaccinate your healthy cats now and let the
FeLV + cat run around the basement and if she tests negative in a few
months or test negative with the ELISA and IFA test I would let her in
the rest of the house with the other cats.  But, that's what I would
do, not necessarily what you should do.  Actually, I would trust the
vaccine and after your healthy cats get their vaccination (it takes a
series of two shots the first time) then I'd let all three hang together.
But it's your cats and you have to make that decision.

“I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn’t….the pain which it inflicts
upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it
is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking
further.” – Mark Twain

Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 14:26:53 -0700
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Any advice appreciated.

I realize now that I did not address the concern you posted about. I
felt the need to educate you about the testing protocol for FELV
because I would hate to see you cage a cat for 3 months that may not even
be infected with the virus.
You cannot consider a cat persistently viremic until they test
positive on the IFA test.

If it turns out the cat you rescued is really FELV positive, she is not
to transmit the virus to your other cats through some chance encounter.
would take prolonged contact with your other cats to infect them with the virus. Even if they had prolonged contact, it does not mean your other
would get the virus. Some cats are able to build an immune response and
off the virus. I rescued a cat over the summer that tested positive on
combo snap test and the ELISA test but tested negative on the IFA. Thirty
later, he tested negative on the snap test, the ELISA test and continued
to test
negative on the IFA test. As a precaution, we tested again 30 days later,
he continued to test negative on all three tests.  His body built an
defense and fought off the virus

--- On Mon, 3/14/11, Jannes Taylor <> wrote:

From: Jannes Taylor <>
Subject: [Felvtalk] Any advice appreciated.
Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 1:50 PM

I rescued a stray two weeks ago. Took her to the vet a week ago and they

she was FELV positive. She was starving when I found her, but she has
weight and is looking good. Her eyes just glisten and she seems healthy.

said she was about a year old. She only weighed six pounds last week. I
did not

have the heart to euthanize her when she is not suffering. However, I
three healthy cats upstairs and I live in constant fear that they will

the basement where this cat we now call Amber is staying. I keep her in a

cage during most of the time and let her out to get her exercise in the

about four hours per day. My husband is building her a 8' long x 4' wide
x 6'

tall cage so she will have more room I do hate keeping her caged up, but

have a choice. She is very sweet and it is just a sad situation. I tried

a home for her but no one seems to want a cat with her issues. We are
trying to

be very cautious regarding the other cats, but it is does make me
I plan to have her rested in three months. I am so new to this situation,

comments or ideas are much appreciated.

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