Alan Kay wrote:
Hi Loup

As I've said and written over the years about this project, it is not
possible to compare features in a direct way here.

Yes, I'm aware of that.  The problem rises when I do advocacy. A
response I often get is "but with only 20,000 lines, they gotta
leave features out!".  It is not easy to explain that a point by
point comparison is either unfair or flatly impossible.

Our estimate so far is that we are getting our best results from the
consolidated redesign (folding features into each other) and then from
the POLs. We are still doing many approaches where we thought we'd have
the most problems with LOCs, namely at "the bottom".

If I got it, what you call "consolidated redesign" encompasses what I
called "feature creep" and "good engineering principles" (I understand
now that they can't be easily separated). I originally estimated that:

- You manage to gain 4 orders of magnitude compared to current OSes,
- consolidated redesign gives you roughly 2 of those  (from 200M to 2M),
- problem oriented languages give you the remaining 2.(from 2M  to 20K)

Did I…
- overstated the power of problem oriented languages?
- understated the benefits of consolidated redesign?
- forgot something else?

(Sorry to bother you with those details, but I'm currently trying to
 convince my Boss to pay me for a PhD on the grounds that PoLs are
 totally amazing, so I'd better know real fast If I'm being




    *From:* Loup Vaillant <>
    *Sent:* Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:21 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [fonc] Error trying to compile COLA

    Originally, the VPRI claims to be able to do a system that's 10,000
    smaller than our current bloatware. That's going from roughly 200
    million lines to 20,000. (Or, as Alan Kay puts it, from a whole library
    to a single book.) That's 4 orders of magnitude.

     From the report, I made a rough break down of the causes for code
    reduction. It seems that

    - 1 order of magnitude is gained by removing feature creep. I agree
    feature creep can be important. But I also believe most feature
    belong to a long tail, where each is needed by a minority of users.
    It does matter, but if the rest of the system is small enough,
    adding the few features you need isn't so difficult any more.

    - 1 order of magnitude is gained by mere good engineering principles.
    In Frank for instance, there is _one_ drawing system, that is used
    for everywhere. Systematic code reuse can go a long way.
    Another example is the code I work with. I routinely find
    portions whose volume I can divide by 2 merely by rewriting a couple
    of functions. I fully expect to be able to do much better if I
    could refactor the whole program. Not because I'm a rock star (I'm
    definitely not). Very far from that. Just because the code I
    maintain is sufficiently abysmal.

    - 2 orders of magnitude are gained through the use of Problem Oriented
    Languages (instead of C or C++). As examples, I can readily recall:
    + Gezira vs Cairo (÷95)
    + Ometa vs Lex+Yacc (÷75)
    + TCP-IP (÷93)
    So I think this is not exaggerated.

    Looked at it this way, it doesn't seems so impossible any more. I
    don't expect you to suddenly agree the "4 orders of magnitude" claim
    (It still defies my intuition), but you probably disagree specifically
    with one of my three points above. Possible objections I can think of

    - Features matter more than I think they do.
    - One may not expect the user to write his own features, even though
    it would be relatively simple.
    - Current systems may be not as badly written as I think they are.
    - Code reuse could be harder than I think.
    - The two orders of magnitude that seem to come from problem oriented
    languages may not come from _only_ those. It could come from the
    removal of features, as well as better engineering principles,
    meaning I'm counting some causes twice.


    BGB wrote:
     > On 2/27/2012 10:08 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:
     >> Structural optimisation is not compression. Lurk more.
     > probably will drop this, as arguing about all this is likely
     > and counter-productive.
     > but, is there any particular reason for why similar rules and
     > restrictions wouldn't apply?
     > (I personally suspect that similar applies to nearly all forms of
     > communication, including written and spoken natural language, and a
     > claim that some X can be expressed in Y units does seem a fair amount
     > like a compression-style claim).
     > but, anyways, here is a link to another article:
     >> Julian
     >> On 28/02/2012, at 3:38 PM, BGB wrote:
     >>> granted, I remain a little skeptical.
     >>> I think there is a bit of a difference though between, say, a log
     >>> table, and a typical piece of software.
     >>> a log table is, essentially, almost pure redundancy, hence why
    it can
     >>> be regenerated on demand.
     >>> a typical application is, instead, a big pile of logic code for a
     >>> wide range of behaviors and for dealing with a wide range of
     >>> cases.
     >>> "executable math" could very well be functionally equivalent to a
     >>> "highly compressed" program, but note in this case that one
    needs to
     >>> count both the size of the "compressed" program, and also the
    size of
     >>> the program needed to "decompress" it (so, the size of the system
     >>> would also need to account for the compiler and runtime).
     >>> although there is a fair amount of redundancy in typical
    program code
     >>> (logic that is often repeated, duplicated effort between programs,
     >>> ...), eliminating this redundancy would still have a bounded
     >>> reduction in total size.
     >>> increasing abstraction is likely to, again, be ultimately bounded
     >>> (and, often, abstraction differs primarily in form, rather than in
     >>> essence, from that of moving more of the system functionality into
     >>> library code).
     >>> much like with data compression, the concept commonly known as the
     >>> "Shannon limit" may well still apply (itself setting an upper limit
     >>> to how much is expressible within a given volume of code).
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