Given what has been said on the mailing lists of FOP and iText, and given
the current scope of the two projects, I feel reasonably sure that this
could be a proposal accepted by bot communities.

 FOP uses iText as a PDF generation library

This could have greater benefits than a merger and keep intact the strenghts
that these two projects have (remember AOL+Time Warner? is the result we

iText could continue to be an excellent PDF (and RTF AFAIK) generation
package with a good java API.
FOP could concentrate on FO2AreaTree and use iText as the last step.

Given the licences, nobody is prohibited to cross-collaborate. iText
developers can send patches to FOP and viceversa, and be [VOTE]d as usual
when the time is right.
FOP can distribute iText jar as it's MPL, and both projects would cross-link
in a clear way.

AFAIK iText is already able to produce PDF using an XML file. If FOP could
make a transformation step from FO to this format, we could get this up
running in a short time.
And IText can also output to html, which is not bad at all.

What do you think?
Shall we pull this off?

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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