On Mon, 2002-07-29 at 11:40, RamanaJV wrote:
> Ralph,
>       Your idea of "Fixing the awt renderer" is the correct one. After a
> deep thought, I too came to the conclusion that instead of writing a PDF
> renderer, if we can tune up the AWT renderer, it will be great. The main
> problem with AWT renderer now is the heavy memory it uses. We need to find
> the source of memory drain and tune it.       

Heavy memory use:
- holds onto every page in memory
- area tree holds onto fo tree
- all images are also held in the area tree and image factory
- in general far too much memory is used for many structures

- separate area tree from fo tree
- allow pages to be saved to disk to reduce memory
- improve image handling

The design for this is mostly implemented in HEAD.
(One day I will convince someone to help out with HEAD code)

>       We need to come up with the basic plan for this. Also, we have to
> first look and summarize the current issues with AWT renderer and step
> accordingly.
> Ramana.

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