On 03/03/2011 17:30, Glenn Adams wrote:

Hi Glenn,

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Chris Bowditch <bowditch_ch...@hotmail.com <mailto:bowditch_ch...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

    Please send me a short bio and I will add you to the team page.

Chris, per your request, an abridged bio follows:

"Dr. Glenn Adams is an independent consultant with 45+ years of professional software design and development experience in areas ranging from embedded, real-time systems, including military, marine and consumer electronics process control and digital signal processing applications, to advanced typographic and multilingual text processing systems. He is former technical director of the Unicode Consortium, and a co-author of the Unicode Standard. He has 25+ years experience in developing international standards, serving on ISO JTC1/SC2 (Coded Character Sets) and JTC1/SC18/WG8 (Document Processing) committees, and was actively involved in the creation of ISO 8879 (SGML), ISO/IEC 9541 (Font Information Interchange), ISO/IEC 10179 (DSSSL), ISO/IEC 10180 (SPDL), ISO/IEC 10646 (Universal Coded Character Set), and, within the W3C, on XSL-FO 1.0. In addition, Dr. Adams is an active member of the Amateur Radio community, holding call sign N0GNR."

Feel free to abridge further if this is too long.
It is a little on the long side compared to the others, but I couldn't see much opportunity for abridging further as most of it is relevant information. I did decide to remove the bit about the Amateur Radio since that isn't relevant to your role in FOP. I hope that is ok?

Modifed team page committed here: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.text.xml.fop.cvs/9815

This will show up when the website is next published.

You may also wish to consider reviewing the "Active Committers" list, as there are a few names there for which I have seen no activity for some time.

I noticed a couple of active contributors that I have not seen or heard from in some time and decided to delete 1 whilst I was there.




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