Very strange. I should have done more testing. I swear that the only
instance I checked before spouting off is the way I wrote.  In rechecking, I
found subsequent text frames in anchored frames didn't have flow tags. I
checked another report and couldn't find any text frames in anchored frames
with flow tags.  Why that one is different, I have no idea. I'll send a
screen shot if anybody doesn't believe me. This on Mac FM 7.0.

Regardless, the autonumbering within such text frames has always worked
except for occasional glitches that were overcome by cutting the text frame
and pasting it back in the anchored frame.


on 2/15/07 2:38 PM, Combs, Richard at richard.combs at wrote:

> Michael D. Conner wrote:
>> on 2/15/07 12:21 PM, Combs, Richard at
>> richard.combs at wrote:
>>> Don't put the figure caption in a text frame inside your anchored
>>> frame
>>> -- as Winfried noted, that puts it in a different text flow.
>> This is incorrect. A text frame inside an anchored frame has
>> the same Flow Tag as the text containing the anchored frame,
>> at least it does when there is only one text flow in a
>> document. I've never worked with multiple text flows, so I
>> don't know what would happen then, but suspect the answer
>> would be the same. On the other hand, a text frame in a
>> graphic frame has no text flow tag.
> Are you sure, Michael? I just tested this. I created a text frame inside
> an anchored frame. Then I created a graphics frame, and created a second
> text frame inside that. In the Object Properties dialog, neither text
> frame has a Flow Tag.
> It may be the case that FM can figure out the object order (dependency,
> hierarchy -- whatever you call it) when the text frame is in the
> anchored frame -- it's only one nested object removed from the flow,
> kind of like a table cell.  Maybe FM only gets confused if there are
> additional "layers," like a graphic frame object, or some other
> complicating factor.
> In any case, Howard's numbering problem has plagued others as well.
> Using a table instead of putting the caption inside the anchored frame
> avoids the problem, however it's triggered.
> Richard
> ------
> Richard G. Combs
> Senior Technical Writer
> Polycom, Inc.
> richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
> 303-223-5111
> ------
> rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom
> 303-777-0436
> ------

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