<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39602 >

William Allen Simpson wrote:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39602 >
> Jason Dorje Short wrote:
>> Also, it makes no technical sense to delete an existing keyboard command 
>>   that duplicates a mouse command.  We still have exactly the same 
>> problem we had before but without the keyboard shortcut for it.  Instead 
>> we should fix the commands so that they don't have two separate backend 
>> implementations, and fix them to work properly.
> Presumably, the mouse command actually works (at least the code is much
> longer).  I didn't find a bug report for it.  So, no, we don't have "exactly
> the same problem".  Please re-read the code.

The crash problem having been easily solved, the remaining problem 
becomes what to do when multiple units are selected.

> And tell us where the mouse command is documented?!?!?

Excellent point.

I suspect a thorough review of all commands and their documentation 
would be in order.


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