Hallo a h-uile duine, agus tha mise a' ciallachadh a h-uile duine.
(Hello everybody, and I do mean everbody.)

Ma tha thu a' leughadh a' theachdaireachd seo, carson nach sgri\obh air ais 
agus cuir freagairt agad air an liosta ?
(If you are reading this message, why not write back and put your answer on 
the list?)

De an t-ainm a tha ort? (What is your name?)

Cait a bheil thu a' fuireach? (Where do you live?)

Feuch beagan Ga\idhlig, neo 's docha  's fhearr leatsa Beurla.
(Try a little Gaelic, or perhaps you prefer English. Let's hear from you.)

Sla\n leibh,


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