Hallo Eilidh, ('s a h-uile duine)

'S math cluinntinn bhuat. (It's good to hear from you.)
Sgri\obh thu (you wrote):

>Hallo a h uile duine,
>  Tha mi an seo cuichead ach bha mi gle trang aig sgoil.
>I am here also but I was very busy at school.
>Tha an cnatan grod agam cuichead, ach tha mi a' faighinn gu math a nis, mar
>sin chan eil mi feumach am bas sanas.
>I have a rotten cold also but I am geeting better(well) now  so I don't
>need a death notice( this is as close to *obituary* as I could find)

Bidh mi toilichte gu bheil thusa beo\ agus ann an deagh shla\inte.
I'm glad that you are alive and in good health.

Sla\n leat,


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