Hallo a h-uile duine (hello everybody)

'S e uair a bhith ag obair leis a' Gha\idhlig againn a th'ann.
(It's time to be working with our Gaelic.)

Let's look up a regular verb in the dictionary, for example one we saw last 
time: mothaich - notice. You'll notice that there are two entries for 
verbs, the first "mothaich" is what is called the root of the verb. The 
second entry "mothachadh" is the verbal noun or participle.

OK, how do you form the past tense of a regular verb? Right, you start with 
the root and you lenite it, so "I noticed" is "mhothaich mi". But what if 
the root starts with a vowel or an "f" ?

An example with a vowel would be "o\l" - drink. To say "I drank" it becomes 
"dh' o\l mi".

If the verb begins with an "f" then you lenite the "f" AND you use our 
friend "dh", so that to say "I answered" it becomes "dh' fhreagair mi".

For those of you with Teach Yourself Gaelic, this is all covered on pages 

Are you still with me? OK, I'm going to give you some regular verbs, and I 
want you to make up two sentences with each verb, one in the present, the 
other in the past. For example, using the verb "cuir" I'll say
1. Tha mi a' cuir air an solas (I am putting on, or turning on, the light.)
2. Chuir mi air an re\idio (I turned on the radio).

Now it's your turn. The verbs are (and if you don't know them you'll have 
to look them up):
                du\in           du\nadh
                fo\n            fo\nadh
                ionnsaich       ionnsachadh
                seinn           seinn
                sna\mh          sna\mh

Tha mi 'n do\chas gum bi spo\rs agaibh .
I hope you will have fun.

Sla\n leibh,


PS Tha mi a' de\anamh mearachdan cuideachd bho a\m gu a\m (LOL). Cuiribh 
ceart na mearachdan agam ma tha sibh a' mothachadh iad, ma
's e ur toil e.

PS I make mistakes too  from time to time (LOL). Please correct my mistakes 
if you notice them.

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