Hi Bryan,
Exactly. Murder isn't the word for it. One reason RPG games etc haven't 
been too popular by the audio game developers is they just want to get a 
game written and out to the customers in a timely fassion.
Imagine if it took me three or four years to write my Zelda clone. How 
many side-scrollers, board games, or even FPS games could I produce in 
the same length of time? Well, if the answer is three or so I would feel 
that my time wasn't well spent. The pay out for the Zelda game wouldn't 
likely be the cash value of those three other games I could have made.
Bryan wrote:
> Something like Zelda would probably be murder to program, even a game as 
> relatively simple as the original. You'd have to program the overworld, the 
> underworld, the shops and the different enemies. And that's probably not 
> even scratching the surface. Tom did say he'd once considered writing 
> something like that but the amount of coding involved was enough to make him 
> cringe.
> Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

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