On 4/10/06, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, 2006-04-09 at 22:31 -0400, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
> > Yes.  A lot of things predate the incubator.  I'm not opposed to say an
> > HTTPD-sandbox for experimental HTTPD related stuff.
> > I'm not opposed to a POI-sandbox (indeed we have one but call it
> > scratchpad) for POI-related stuff.  However Jakarta-sandbox is
> > SCOPELESS.  Go have a scopeless sandbox on sourceforge IMO.  If you want
> > to start a whole NEW project then do that in the incubator IMO.
> the sandbox already exists. the management and supervision were
> entrusted to the commons sub-project. sub-projects have no formal
> existence. the scope of the sandbox is the same as the scope for
> jakarta.
> anything that is in scope for jakarta is in scope for sub-projects. code
> in other languages is pretty much out but nearly any subject is in
> scope. the only limits are imposed by the community itself.

When something graduates from this "Jakarta Sandbox", where does it go?
Being a _Jakarta_ sandbox, one might assume that it becomes a Jakarta
subproject. But Hen has claimed to want to morph Jakarta into a
non-umbrella, and graduating to a new Jakarta subproject would be counter to
that goal. On the other hand, if it graduates to somewhere outside of
Jakarta, why is the sandbox inside of Jakarta?

Martin Cooper

jakarta's scope is the problem but it's hard to fix for both historic
> and community reasons
> - robert
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