Austin Donnelly wrote:

> <snipped... an extremely useful list. Thank you for composing it>

> B: Plugins
> ----------
> For plugins, I think we need to take some tough decisions as to which
> plugins are supported, and which aren't.  I don't know how to do this,
> but others have suggested looking at which are mentioned in the

I would penalize all plug-ins without maintainers  2 points. PLUGIN_MAINTAINERS
is the authority on this.

I would further penalize all plug-ins with outstanding bug reports a further 1 point 
per report.

The entries in the top half of the list are publically announced as being dropped for 
unless a maintainer comes forward, or the current maintainer addresses outstanding
issues, or turns the reins over to someone who can. That instigates a probationary
period that lasts until Yosh decides to do the Official 1,2 build. Plug-ins that are 
in trouble at that juncture are retired in a 'very Darwinian' fashion.

Rolling scoring, in case an orderly plug-in suddenly rebels, and no one know how
or cares enough to fix it.

The policy is indifferent to manner of implementation. To the end user, script can be 
just as broken
as compiled code.

My two U. S. cents.


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