> > The perl club meets in Haifa
> > university, which is fine by me, and I never claim this is a "Haifa
> > university-only" thing, even if they will hold a closed to Haifa
> > University computer science course about "Programming using un-usable
> > lang." (please, no flames on that, thanks), I would still not consider it
> > a bad thing, as they did it.
> I read the above paragraph a few times and I think you gave a wrong example.
> I might be wrong, and if that is the case, I apologize. Otherwise, please
> read on:
> Perhaps you failed again to explain yourself as it seems you think that
> the Perl lectures held in CRI were ment only to Haifa university people.
> The fact is more than 90% of the people who attended the course did not
> come from Haifa university (except for the first 3 lectures where the
> Haifa university people were the majority). Some people came from the
> Technion, others came from the industry. In any case, each week people
> from all over were invited to attend and learn.
> The upcomming Perl conference (see: http://www.perl.org.il/YAPC/2003/)
> to be held in Haifa university welcomes speakers from all over (from abroad
> too) and welcomes participants from all over.
> Your comment about the usability of the language makes me wonder what do you
> know about Perl at all. Such comments made towards GNU/Linux makes you and
> others in the Haifa Linux Club think how ignorant people can be... still you
> could not resist making such a comment yourself.
> I believe you can make your point without offending and abusing other people's
> initiatives. If you need something to laugh at or flame to make a point, please
> consider it again. Usually it makes a bad strategy.
I am terribly sorry if someone was offended by this comment.

I meant the opposite, of course, saying that even if those meetings were
closed to the public (and I know they aren't) it is still OK.
What I tried to say, is that you promote Perl (btw, I do use perl now and
then, and it is useful for some things I do, but personally for me the
programming language is C) and if you decided tthat tomorrow you are going
to hold a special event only for Haifa Univ. students, this is OK, becuase
you do it. It is preferable in the sense of marketing not to close the
event (please note that the installation party will be open to all!), but
if you this - this is your right.


Orr Dunkelman,

"Man is the only animal that blushes--or has reason to." --- Mark Twain

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