* Robin Szemeti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> IMHO to be of any use certification needs to be HUGE .. eg we need
> O'Reilly AND Manning behind it or it simply won't fly. We could write a

i think this will end up a slooooow process

> very comprehensive set of tests and assesment levels, do all that. It
> could be the very best thought out, standards based certification for
> Perl out there .. but without a Major Backer (eg the two afore mentioned
> companies) its nothing ... 

that can wait - stage a. is all that is important for now

> a) Fuck it, Just do it .. ( so thats got the ball rolling)
> b) get some other groups (eg NY.pm ) involved to get the support of the
>     Perl community at large

ok, but i wouldn't worry about b. anytime soon, you have to remember
Larry has said, he'd rather be certified than see perl certification
(or something similar)


Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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