* alex ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> i am a little unclear what the benefits of this exercise might be without
> a brand or larger player backing it up. if we could hook up with someone
> like learning tree (eg they can claim to deliver courses to "PCSE"
> standards) this might be a big winner.

Well i was hoping on getting an initial commitment of people
to sign up to it from the list, they would effectively join
some `forum' under YAS, they would sign up to some fairly
trivial commitments (e.g. employers would `recognise' the
qualification). Then we'd figure out the first 3 skill areas.

This would leave us with some content and a body. At this point
hopefully people could take the test and we could then move
on to evangelise it with people like learning tree.

The important thing from my POV is that its not learning tree
from day one, as they will simply want to say - taking learning
tree course Perl101 means people get core competency and it
would become the usual noddy thing. Involving them later when
the forum was established would give them slightly less

This is of course, imho.


Greg McCarroll                          http://www.mccarroll.uklinux.net

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