1 agree, but censor a list is not really good either (most posts, such as this 
one) are not by developers

2 see the discussion on the developers list, suggestions like this have been 
thoroughly discussed

> 13 maj 2018 kl. 14:16 skrev Bernt Lie <bernt....@usn.no>:
> 1: I agree, and I didn't say so. Essentially, my point is that developers can 
> not do that without compromising its OS agnostics. For various reasons, I use 
> Windows myself. And I have full respect for others making different choices. 
> I don't think the LyX list should be used for negative description of OSes 
> not used by oneself.
> 2: I see the point. If there are no negative side effects of upgrading to the 
> latest version of MikTeX, I'd do the following:
> * Put in a LyX 2.3.0 installation link.
> * Start by checking if the latest MikTeX version is installed. If yes, 
> proceed and install LyX 2.3.0
> * If not, explain why, and point to a link (youtube, or whatever) on how the 
> user can upgrade MikTeX and say "retry after you have upgraded MikTeX".
> Maybe a solution?
> B
> Get Outlook for Android
> From: Anders Ekberg
> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 13:33
> Subject: Re: The tortured release of 2.3.0 Windows binaries
> To: Bernt Lie
> Cc: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> 1 I haven’t seen any developer having any opinion on which os users are 
> running, they are simply stating what they are running in order to explain 
> the problem
> 2 the question is if you should update software (other than lyx) *without 
> asking the user*
> All the best!
> Anders
> 13 maj 2018 kl. 10:48 skrev Bernt Lie <bernt....@usn.no>:
> > Why are people still using Windows?  My firm gets along without Gates just 
> > fine.
> I use Windows, almost all of my colleagues use Windows. I know of 1 colleague 
> who uses Linux - he is very computer savvy, sets up his own system, hacks 
> LaTeX classes, and is not interested in using LyX -- he manages fine with his 
> own set-up. Many LaTeX users use alternative tools (TeXnicCenter, etc.).
> --
> "Why are people still using Windows?"
> Well, fact is: our IT infrastructure is so tied up into Windows based tools, 
> that if the choice comes between Windows and LyX, it is LyX that will sink -- 
> our management thinks that Word is just fine... I have no problems with LyX 
> developers preferring another OS (ref: statement that none of the developers 
> use Windows). But if people associated with developing a software tool goes 
> public with opinions like “why on earth do people still use Windows”, that 
> would make it impossible to advocate the use of that software to Windows 
> users.
> --
> Regarding the delay of LyX 2.3.0 for Windows -- v 2.2.3 serves me fine, so I 
> can wait. Still, the reason for the problem is not entirely clear to me.
> * Yes, I understand that there is a problem with MikTeX in that MikTeX must 
> be updated for some technical reason.
> * What is not clear is why it is a problem to update MikTeX. My MikTeX 
> console says<image001.jpg>
> Is there a newer MikTeX version? Is the problem that a (possible) newer 
> version will not be backwards compatible?If I can update MikTeX to the latest 
> version, install LyX v. 2.3.0, and face no problem of backwards 
> compatibility, then I don’t see any problem. 
> BL
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org> On Behalf Of Steve 
> Litt
> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2018 7:49
> To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> Subject: Re: The tortured release of 2.3.0 Windows binaries
> ROFLMAO, I ask myself this all the time, on multiple mailing lists.
> On the bright side, 90% of the heartache doesn't apply to me.
> SteveT
> On Sat, 12 May 2018 20:03:09 -0700
> John White <j...@whitelawchartered.com> wrote:
> > Why are people still using Windows?  My firm gets along without Gates 
> > just fine.
> > 
> > John White
> > 
> > On Friday, May 11, 2018 4:18:17 PM PDT Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> > > On 05/11/2018 03:37 PM, Jim Rockford wrote:  
> > > > In my 20+ years in the world of science, I have not known a single 
> > > > user of Lyx (~50 in total) who wasn't computer savvy.  Why not 
> > > > just include a warning message that Lyx 2.3.0 may not function 
> > > > properly with MiKTeX distributions that have not been updated as 
> > > > recently as some specific date?
> > > 
> > > That is more or less what was proposed by most of the development
> > > team: A warning at start-up, that LyX was going to update MikTeX, 
> > > with an option for the user to abort the install if they wish. The 
> > > person responsible for the Windows packages refused to include such 
> > > a warning, and we did not think updating people's other software 
> > > without asking permission to do so was something we should do. So 
> > > that has left us in a bad position.
> > > 
> > > We are working now to try to produce a Windows installer.
> > > Unfortunately, none of the active development team use Windows, so 
> > > it is taking longer than it otherwise might. We'd certainly welcome 
> > > help from someone who does use Windows.
> > > 
> > > Riki
> > 

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