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There is democracy, and there is mob rule. The former is ethical. The latter is 
anarchic. I know which I’ll subscribe to.

Plus, I am not sure Ed is correct. In many important jurisdictions, trademark 
rights exist whether or not they are registered. Since US Communications 
Decency Act 230 immunity provisions do not apply to trademarks, a complaint to 
Google would likely get the group closed for the group owners if they do not 
wish to abide by societal norms for ethics.

— daan Strebe



-----Original Message-----
From: John Day <>
To: Discussion group for map history <>
Sent: Wed, Jan 4, 2012 10:21 am
Subject: Re: [MapHist] The Hist of the Name "MapHist"

This is a MapHist list message.
This list will close soon. Please continue the discussions at the MapHist 
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"immoral"?  You put this on the same plane as . ..  well, we don't need to go 
there?  I think that is alittle extreme.

I think this is more democracy in action.

This is a MapHist list message.
This list will close soon. Please continue the discussions at theMapHist Forum:
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On Jan 4, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Peter vander Krogt wrote:
Dear Jay, ... I don't think it is wisetwo have more than one Maphist forum, it 
is at least confusing for theuser. 
So please close your google group orat least rename it. 
The MapHist forumat 
is the successor of thelistserv.


I agree with Peter's comment that othersshould not use the name "MapHist," the 
short form of"Map History Discussion List."

It may be legal to do so, but, in myopinion, immoral.

See my text below concerning how the namecame into being.



Ed Dahl, 720, chemin Fogarty,Val-des-Monts (Québec) J8N 7S9, CANADA
     TEL: (819) 671-9721   FAX: (819)671-9722 

MapHist: E-mail discussion group on the history of cartography
hosted by the Faculty of Geosciences, University of Utrecht.
The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of
the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of
Utrecht. The University of Utrecht does not take any responsibility for
the views of the author.
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