Rob, et al --

...and then Rob 'Feztaa' Park said...
% On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 09:39:29AM -0500, David T-G (dis)graced my inbox with:
% > % Hi,
% > 
% > Hello!
% 'sup?

Still not much.  Am I still making sense? :-)

% > % As others have noticed, uniqueness is a Bad Thing in today's email
% > % environment.
% > 
% > Admitted -- but I also see room for flexibility and configuration
% > choices.  I mean, c'mon, LookOut! will even handle %_ gracefully (well,
% > as gracefully as it can handle anything)!
% The only thing LookOut! handles gracefully is virus propagation :)

Heh.  Yeah, there's graceful and then there's graceful.  It's a shame
that the more graceful of the two is the one that causes more problems!
Hmmm...  That sounds a little ambiguous...  I meant the one that spews
more garbage onto the 'net...  No, wait; that could be taken two ways,
too...  Oh, never mind :-)

% > % quoting level. (It was also made easier by compulsory clear names.)
% > % This was very useful, since you could see with one look who wrote the
% > % quote (not who quoted it). It was color-coded of course. Nobody had
% > 
% > Sure.  That sounds like Rob's argument, though.
% Just you wait! Soon, we'll all be using our unique quoting characters!
% Everybody will have a different one!! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

Hey, it's a good thing I'm using an MUA with such a powerful quote
recognition system, eh?

% ;D


% > % any problems, because everyone either used Crosspoint or started using
% > % it very soon, so it was accepted standard.
% > 
% > Great!  I predict the same thing with %_ and mutt.  I look forward to the
% > time when 80% of everyone else will use mutt right along with us -- and
% > perhaps find the world a better place as well.
% I don't see that happening. Given most people's utter dependence on GUIs
% (just look at Macs), I don't think mutt will ever get 80% of the MUA


% market share. It may get to be 80% of _*nix_ users MUA of choice, but
% unless *nix (Linux, BSD, whatever) gets really mainstream, it won't
% happen.

Hey, he said it happenned with Crosspoint, and I'd never heard of it
until we traded some email recently.  If something of which I've never
heard can do that, surely something of which I have might have the same

% > % Your mails are as ineffective as outlooked mails with the answer
% > % following the questions.
% > 
% > Oooh, that was way harsh.  
% I didn't like that comment, either. It's a quote string! Get over it!

I refuse to ;-)

% > Fair enough.  There are probably a lot of variables that you don't
% > need, then.  Maybe I should petition to get % added to the default list
% > so that you will be able to read my mail.
% I'd sign that petition ;)

Fine by me...

% -- 
% Rob 'Feztaa' Park
% --
% "The Windows NT workstations locked up every 2.58 minutes... The Linux
% workstations [which replaced them] haven't had a problem."
%               -- Randy Kessell, SBC Communications Inc.

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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