Though this is a off-topic. I have got some queries hence posting 

I have came across custom SOCs where there is a single ARM Coresight DAP and a 
riscv processor connected on APB bus on a particular APB port.
ARM debug can be achieved using openocd, any idea on how riscv debug can be 
achieved here ? As there is no separate riscv tap how to ask openocd to look 
for riscv debug registers from a particular APB port and base address ?

Cinly, from your comment it looks like this type of functionality is not 
supported in  openocd but i have seen a separate version of openocd-riscv. 
Apparently that is helping to attach to ARM core as well, is there any way to 
debug riscv with that version in this scenario ?
I see some custom debuggers does support this type if debug but that all are 
license and paid basis. 


**[tickets:#378] SWD support for RISCV artchitecture**

**Status:** new
**Milestone:** 0.10.0
**Labels:** openocd 
**Created:** Wed Dec 28, 2022 07:00 AM UTC by Ashi Gupta
**Last Updated:** Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:08 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody


I want to know if SWD debug support has been added for RISCV architecture in 
openocd ? So far i know that JTAG support is only available. If not any plans 
in doing so ? 


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