Hi Jeremy,

osgPango and osgCairo require their respective libs (but not GTK, that's
way larger and unnecessary and is only used for creating interface),

Yeah, sorry, that was me being overly ambiguous... I meant that pango and cairo are libs that are required by gtk and thus are part of gtk binary packages (which makes it convenient to get them as part of such packages - which in turn means you'll have gotten pkg-config indirectly).

AnimTK certainly doesn't require any of that stuff. As a matter of fact,
with the changes that Cedric is introducing, I'd be surprised if
pkg-config is really required at all anymore--it's just used for
libxml2, and now that it uses native OSG format, XML may be a moot

Cool, I think that would be best. pkg-config is really not standard on Windows so if it's possible to do without it, great.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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