I just acheived a first success to compile osgATK and run osgATK examples under 
- "solid" works.
- "animSkinning" displays something but the console continuously says "Channel 
rotation does not contain a valid symbolic name for this class".
- "benchmark" runs but displays nothing and exits after a while... Maybe it's 
okay for a benchmark!
- "osgnode" and "osgnodeMakePath" crach in "setupAnimtkNode()" (Stack 
- "AnimtkViewer" works, and examples seem to work (Except "Jansens" and 
"example" that don't seem to move).

I compiled the last package (animTK 0.0.9) against OSG 2.7.1 under VC8 SP1 
Modified source is in the message, or at 
http://sukender.free.fr/pvle/files/animtk-0.0.9_modified_Sukender.7z (but maybe 
not forever!). Notes are included in the archive.

I suggest Cédric to integrate changes, and Um?t Uzun to try testing... Have fun 
with animTK under Win32!
See you soon!


Attachment: animtk-0.0.9_modified_Sukender.7z
Description: Binary data

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