Hi Wyat,

WyattEarp wrote:
> What is the
> cudakernel project that Cmake generated?  Note of the files will open
> in VS.

This is the cuda example project. I have not checked if cmake does also 
generate valid VS files for cuda module in the example. 

> Also, when I try to run the video example I get an error message saying that 
> a plugin could not be found to read objects from Data/Images/video.avi and 
> one that says the video.avi file could not be found.  I copied the Data 
> directory underneath my bin directory and the other examples, except the cuda 
> example and the osgppu_viewer example... the last one could be because I am 
> not passing the correct args in.

Please read README first. It says that you have to specify OSG_FILE_PATH before 
running the examples. Yes one way would be just to copy the Data directory 
under the bin path. Check that your osg plugins responsilbe for avi handling 
could also be found. Just to be on the safe side, you can copy all osgdb_*.dll 
into the bin directory where your examples are built.
osgppu_viewer has to be started with a file path to any .ppu file. In those 
files the complete pipeline is stored, similar to .osg files.


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