Hi Luca,

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Luca Vezzadini <luca.vezzad...@gmail.com>wrote:
> Mmm... StateSet does not derive from osg::Node so it does not have the
> DescriptionList member... So are you planning to extend the StateSet class,
> its serializer and so on? Or did I miss something?...

You are absolutely right! I had mistakenly assumed that the description list
was supported by all osg::Object derived classes. Well, that puts a big dent
in our plans :(

Does anybody know if the new meta-data system will support all osg::Object
derived classes?

One option would be to put the description string in the name of the
stateset object. Another option would be to use the user data field, but
that would require a custom serializer.

Let me know if you have another idea.

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