I read some very interesting thoughts, and thankyou for sharing them
with me.  I may just do an activity about co-sleeping and take some
comments from your messages if you give me permission.
I also came from home with no nudity and anything sexual was taboo. We
as parents though are totally different too.  We bathe all our children
together (1 girl, 2 boys) and everytime I come out of the shower there
is always a couple of little hands wanting to pull my nipples! My
husband is very involved with the upbringing of our children.  Sometimes
I feel he loves them more than I do (that's the exhaustion speaking!)
It is as you say, back then all children slept with their parents and
then slowly society has changed it to each child has a room and
therefore co-sleeping has become taboo along with breastfeeding past 1
year and tandem breastfeeding.  

I still have concerns because my young cousin (9 at the time) was asking
his mother if he could 'stick his thing in her like daddy does' while
co-sleeping because my uncle thought he was asleep while they were
having sex.  This child is now seeing a therapist.  But after reading
all these responses of well adjusted adults who co-slept, is this
instance with my cousin rare? 


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nicole
Sent: Friday, 19 March 2004 11:57 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] husbands on co-sleeping

Hi Sylvia -as you were curious about the effects of co-sleeping on
husbands....thought I might tell you of mine... My husband was brought
up in a very traditional household - no nudity, no going near parent's
bed etc etc. yet he has fathered the complete anti-of his father (thank
goodness!!!)  We shower and bath with our children, all doors are left
open (including toilet)... and he lavishes our boys with lots of kisses,
love and his time. We are self-confessed dags - our little family - we
do absolutely EVERYTHING together... grocery shopping, collecting our
eldest son from school, watching him play sport, training, walks  etc
etc  We also have no real family support - so my husband and I never
have time alone - and whenever we go out - it is always with our boys. I
breastfeed my children until they are ready to self-wean (still going
strong tandem feeding my 2 1/2 yr old and 7 mth old)...with FULL support
of my husband ... so, co- sleeping has been pretty much an unsaid
natural extension of our parenting.... (ie doing everything together).
My husband has NEVER complained about sharing our bed with our children
(or even having to sleep in another room and bed when he gets booted
out... which is OFTEN) . We have a single bed pushed up to our queen
bed. Most nights our nearly 12 yr old sleeps in the single bed (the
other nights my husband gets a turn...) and I sleep in the middle of the
queen bed with my baby on one side and our 2 yr old on the other. I love
having my children sleep with me.  having all 3 boys with me, safe and
cosy and snuggly all night long. Then there's the giggles and fun when
they all awake together - particularly with my 12 yr old and 2 yr old
who are extremely close. When my husband is in there too - he loves this
also! My husband and I are very in-love and very close... yet we don't
have the intimacy that we once had before I was completely exhausted and
chronically sleep deprived. My husband sees how exhausted I am... and he
is tired too... as our very demanding and non-sleeping 2 1/2 yr old
finally drops at 11 pm each night - and this is when we are doing the
dishes, washing nappies etc etc. Our sex life is a dire contrast to
pre-children... I was the sex goddess... and now I am a PLANT!!! I know
he would like to have sex every now and then (and we don't do it in the
bedroom, either!) - and will sometimes be not so subtle in hinting...
but at the same time -he sees how exhausted I am, and feels sorry for me
- so would never push it with me. he also misses cuddling me in bed -
but knows that this time of our children being so young, needy and
dependant is too short-lived - so accepts that this is how it is NOW but
will not always be this way..... I think the only thing that makes my
husband frustrated - is the fact that our toddler goes to bed so late -
and  then we do some housework... which by then, it is around midnight.
He would LOVE to have some "me time" for himself to wind down... and
some time shared with me. This isn't possible with a wakeful night-owl 2
1/ yr old!!! Your comment "that is not what's supposed to happen" -ie
giving your children yourself over your husband during the night - is
interesting. I agree that it is important to give time to your husband
and your marriage... but it is not always realistic. If our children
want me/us in the night - it is and has never been an issue... or even
discussed for that matter.. as it has always been an unspoken natural
thing foir us to do... and we enjoy being with them in bed at night as
much as the children love being with us too... kind regards, Nicole

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sylvia Boutsalis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 10:10 AM
Subject: RE: [ozmidwifery] sleep stuff

> I don't mean to be judgmental in relation to co-sleeping but I am 
> curious about what happens to the couples relationship? I am not a 
> selfish person but I do regard my bed time to be something shared with

> my husband alone.  For me having a child in bed turns my attention 
> away from my partner and intimacy and focuses on my child.  That is 
> not what is supposed to happen. Children take up so much time that 
> it's important to be able to find time to nurture our own relationship

> with our partner, and most of that time is usually at night when the 
> children go to bed and when we go to bed.  Children are an extension 
> of us, not a replacement of our affections.
> I would be interested to know how the men in your lives are coping 
> with this arrangement.  Are they really into it or have they just 
> accepted it?
> Sylvia
> Mum to Ellie 10, Chris 6 and Evan 4 (who all breastfed, but never
> co-slept)
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wayne and 
> Cas
> Sent: Friday, 19 March 2004 8:48 AM
> Subject: [ozmidwifery] sleep stuff
> Well, we tried the side car thing last night and he went down without 
> any hassles at 8.30, then woke up at 10pm so I fed him and gently 
> rolled him over to the cot and he didn't stir until 5am this morning. 
> So far so good. It was the best night's sleep I've had in weeks. 
> Thanks for all of your suggestions.
> I wanted to add though that sleeping with children and babies is not 
> right for everyone. I don't actually know too many adults or children 
> that seem affected by the fact their parents made them sleep in a cot 
> when they were babies. There is a lot more to parenting than whether 
> you co-sleep or not. Ie. If you don't love your kids unconditionally, 
> no amount of co-sleeping is going to give the added security a child 
> needs. I think we are all individuals and so are our children and we 
> just need to work out what best suits them. When Liam was the same age

> as Daniel he was very hands off, didn't want hugs, didn't want the 
> breast a lot and it hurt me at the time but it was what he needed. 
> Daniel is a totally different baby.
> I will let you know if our good fortune last night continues.
> Cheers Cas.
> Cas, Wayne, Liam and Daniel McCullough
> www.casmccullough.com
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